The Zhengyu High -speed Railway Xiang Wan section opened the "full moon". This summer resort was brought to fire

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.21

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 21 (Correspondent Wu Tiexuan reporter Lei Yan) Zheng Yu High -speed Railway Xiangyang East to Wanzhou Section. Since its operation on June 20, it has ushered in full moon on July 20. On the 21st, the reporter learned from the China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wu Tie") that in the past month, a total of 1470 trains of the Zhengyu high -speed rail vehicle group have been trains, 49 times a day, and a total of 621,000 passengers to and from Hubei to Hubei. Western and other places tourism, sightseeing, summer vacation.

The passenger passengers of Shennongjia Station guided passengers to travel. Photo by Li Tao

Shennongjia "out of the circle", 128,000 people came here to avoid the summer by high -speed rail

After the opening of the Xiangwan section of the Zhengyu high -speed rail, Baokang, Shennongjia, Xingshan and other places directly entered the high -speed rail era. The shortest journey from Wuhan to Chongqing and Chengdu has shortened to about 5 hours and 7 hours, especially citizens who opened high -speed rails for the first time to travel faster and convenient for citizens to travel.

"I used to spend 7 hours in Wuhan. It was very tired all the way to the boat and car. Now it has passed the high -speed rail, and it only takes more than 3 hours. It is really convenient." On July 20, take the Zhengyu high -speed rail to Badong in Wuhan. Mr. Wang, a citizen, said excitedly.

The opening of the high -speed rail not only brings real happiness to the people who run the two places all year round, but also drive the development of the tourism industry along the railway.

Zhengyu High -speed Railway Hubei section Xiangyang East, Nanzhang, Baocang County, Shennongjia, Xingshan, and Badong and other high -speed rail stations have been traveling between two adjacent stations in about 15 minutes. , Passengers from all over the province have come to the journey of "early adopters" of the new high -speed rail.

Over the past month, the major scenic spots along the East Hubei region along the Zhengyu high -speed rail have ushered in a large number of "high -speed rail tourists". According to statistics, five new stations in Nanzhang, Baokang, Xingshan, Shennongjia, Badong and other places have arrived and sent a total of 443,000 passengers.

Among them, the Summer Agricultural Shelter, which ushered in the high -speed rail, was the most "hot". A total of 128,000 people took the high -speed rail to Shennongjia by high -speed rail.

The trainer introduced the preferential situation of the scenic spot to the passengers at the Zhengyu high -speed rail. Take good photos

More than 200 travel agencies in the province have launched preferential travel packages

In the Shennongxi Scenic Area, there are endless streams of tourists taking high -speed rail. Mei Junhua, the person in charge of the scenic spot, said happily: "After the opening of the Zhengyu high -speed rail, there are more tourists who come to play than before, and the higher -speed rail will increase by about 30 % before opening."

It is understood that Wu Tie takes the opening of the Zhengyu High -speed Railway as an opportunity to jointly carry out the "enjoy the high -speed railway tour of Hubei" with the cultural tourism department of Hubei Province and Nanzhang, Baokang, Xingnong, Shennongjia, and Badong along the line. In the promotion of travel promotion and promotion of the "high -speed rail+tourist attraction" preferential policy, more than 200 travel agencies in Hubei Province have launched preferential travel packages "by Zhengyu High -speed Railway, Touring in Western Mei Hubei", attracting tourists to travel to Hubei.

In addition, all parts of the Zhengyu high -speed railway have made articles around the high -speed rail to promote the "fast lane" of the economy to develop.

The Badong County Party Committee and County Government decided to "seize the opportunity of high -speed rail and build a new high -speed rail", and the "Badong County High -speed Rail New District Urban Design Plan" was released. Sexual tourism distribution service base.

"After the opening of the Zhengyu high -speed rail, our village ushered in rapid development opportunities. Now we will make every effort to build a small town of high -speed rail. The key projects of 5 million or more are settled in Pingyangba Village. The villagers who went out to work in the past have returned to their hometowns to start a business or employment. "Wang Bihu, secretary and director of the Pingyangba Village near Pingyangba Village near Badong Station, said excitedly.

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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