Jiuquan Subei: Organize high -quality farmers training classes to observe learning

Author:Subei Published Time:2022.07.21

In order to promote the combination of learning and use and improve the effect of cultivating the practice, from July 15th to 18th, the students of the high -quality farmers cultivating class in Subei County in 2022 went to Jiuquan Haowo Family Farm, Dongdongzhong, Suzhou District, and the Gobi agricultural industry Garden, Jiuquan Lvyeyuan Ecological Breeding Professional Cooperative, Jiuquan Baiyuan Farmer Professional Cooperative, Suzhou Huajian Town Family Farm and other places for observation and exchanges. Students draw advanced technologies and experiences for the development of each observation point. They are During the exchange, we can learn from each other, absorb experience, and broaden the development of animal husbandry agriculture. The trainees were deeply inspired, and they said that learning opportunities were very rare and harvested. Not only did they broaden their ideas and enhance the concepts, but also the advanced experience of observation points will help to enlarge their own industries and high quality for local modern animal husbandry agriculture. Development contribute.

In recent years, the Agricultural Rural and Water Affairs Bureau of Subei County have based on actual county conditions, serving the work of the three farmers, serving the people, and actively trained the native talents, science and technology demonstration households, industry leaders and cooperative backbones for pastoral rural areas. Increase the ability of leaders to take the lead in becoming rich and leading the masses to become rich together, provide local talents for the development of the animal husbandry industry and rural revitalization, and promote the development of agricultural and rural economy. (Subei County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center)

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