How many Internet accounts do your mobile phone number are associated with?One certificate check →

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.21

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Network Security Administration said that some users reported that the mobile phone number under the name was registered with the Internet account without knowing it. Due to the lack of a unified and convenient query phone number to associate the effective way to connect the Internet account, to maintain the masses to maintain the masses Detomical interests cause inconvenience. Based on the "One Certificate Inspection" service of the national mobile phone card in the early stage, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology upgraded and developed the "One Certificate Examination 2.0" service.

According to the person in charge, there are three main characteristics of the "one certificate to check 2.0" services. The first is to protect user privacy, minimize user information, and use desensitization display in the query page. In the feedback query results, only the number of related Internet accounts is also included. The second is to cover the mainstream application, and the third is the convenient query method. When using the "One Certificate Examination 2.0" service, users can use the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology WeChat "Industrial Information Micro News" and "Anti -fraud Class of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology" and "China CITC Institute" WeChat public accounts and other channels are queried.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Edit: Amber | Review: Siyuan

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