Xinhua Time Review: Promote the combination of medical care and make the elderly more sense

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.21

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 21st: Promote the combination of medical care to make the elderly more gain

Xinhua News Agency reporters Li Heng and Dong Ruifeng

Promoting the combination of medical care is an important measure to optimize the supply of elderly health and the supply of elderly care services. It is an important way to actively respond to the aging of the population and enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of the elderly. The latest "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Medical and Nursing", facing difficulties and blocking points, promoting the combination of medical care, and making the elderly more sense of gain.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, my country is 60 and over, and the population of 267 million is 267 million. Meet the needs of multi -level service for the elderly and are related to the well -being of the people. The guidance specifically strengthened the construction of community basic service facilities that combined medical care. For example, in the community and townships, conditional hospitals, nursing homes, etc. should use existing resources, and internal and expand a number of medical and nursing service facilities.

In response to some places, some medical institutions provide problems such as insufficient medical and nursing service motivation, and guide opinions to improve support policies from multiple dimensions such as improving price policies, increasing insurance support, revitalizing land resources, and implementing fiscal and tax discounts. This series of real tricks, which not only expands the supply of incremental resources, but also live stock resources, which is conducive to the implementation of national policies in various regions and departments. Mobility, better realize "up and down linkage".

The "supply" of multi -channel expansion of professionals is the key to resolving about 40 million disability in my country and "pension anxiety" for some disabled elderly people. Guidance requires to accelerate the training of talents in the lack of medical and care and elderly care services. When public medical and health institutions are distributed internally, they will give appropriate tilt to medical personnel who have completed the services such as home medical services, medical care and nursing. Rescue and care skills training and other methods to improve the care ability and level of family caregivers for disabled elderly. This can not only relieve the lack of long -term nursing protection for the elderly, but also provide them with more professional services, but also help them to obtain better treatment and mobilize their enthusiasm to promote the combination of medical care and nursing. Professional and professional development.

[Editor in charge: Jiao Peng]

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