Ask the government in Shandong | How to start the reputation of "Liaocheng New Three Treasures"?Mayor of Liaocheng: Do articles in science and technology and branding Time:2022.07.21 · Lightning News July 21 News Tonight "Ask the Government Shandong" aired the 132th issue, asking about the city.

The 12th Party Congress Report of the Provincial Congress proposed that agricultural quality and efficiency were comprehensively improved. Among them, it is required to carry out varieties, improve quality, and brand building. Liaocheng proposed to plan the launch of Ganoderma, Sanghuang, and Ejiao "New Three Treasures". Among the New Three Treasures, we are more familiar with Ejiao. But Ganoderma lucidum and mulberry, the outside world didn't know much.

Ganoderma lucidum is a special product of Guanxian's Town. At present, there are more than 10,000 Ganoderma lucidum greenhouses, with more than 10,000 acres of planting area, 8,000 tons of ganoderma lucidum, 12,000 tons of ganoderma spore powder, and more than 30,000 pots of bonsai. The total output of Ganoderma lucidum accounts for more than 50%of the country's output, and the transaction volume reaches about 60%of the country. However, the reporter visited and found that most of the Ganoderma lucidum is the initial processing product.

The lack of deep processing products has not made the influence of Guanxian Ganoderma lucidum. However, the production line of the construction of Ganoderma lucidum is largely invested, and general manufacturers do not have funding strength. This has led to a strange phenomenon. Although Guanxian Ganoderma output is high, money has made foreign ganoderma manufacturers earn.

In addition to Ganoderma lucidum in Guanxian, Liaocheng also has a special product, which is the mulberry of Linqing. The planting of mulberry trees in Linqing has a long history, with a scale of 22,000 acres of planting, and a series of products such as the local mulberry Chinese medicine drinks accounted for more than 70%of the national market. However, the reporter mentioned a local specialty store near the 4A -level tourist attraction in Linqing, and mentioned Sanghuang. The owner said he had never heard of it.

The reporter came to a company that produced mulberry products to see that in addition to medicinal tablets, the products here were very rich in deep -processed products. Enterprise staff said that the biggest problem for enterprises is how to play the reputation of Linqing Sanghuang.

In order to enhance the influence of the comprehensive brand, Liaocheng proposed to make Guanxian Ganoderma lucidum, Linqing Sanghuang, and East Ejiao into "Liaocheng New Three Treasures". But by now, this brand has not yet landed.

Relevant corporate staff told reporters: "Last year, Liaocheng's agricultural department proposed to design a box to put all three products in. But in the end, this matter was not done."

At the scene of tonight, Zhang Baishun, mayor of Liaocheng, said: "Next, in the promotion of 'Liaocheng New Sanbao', we must firmly hold the nose of the cow nose of the brand strategy and make articles in science and technology and branding. It is necessary to solve problems such as product quality traceability, leading enterprise cultivation, industrial chain extension, and high -end product, and strive to make 'New Three Treasures' with its value and avoid selling cabbage prices. "

Lightning News reporter Wang Xiaoming Haoyu Wang Jinghua Report

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Photography 丨 West Mountain WatchSource 丨 Xinhua News Agency