How to help the development of the construction industry?Listen to the "golden ideas" at this summit

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.21

From green buildings to digital government, to smart cities, "digitalization" has penetrated into all aspects of citizens' lives. The digital technology and digital economy not only allowed the industry to achieve new development, but also make the city safer, lively, and more convenient.

On July 21, the opening ceremony of the China Digital Architecture Summit 2022 · City Summit opened in Guangzhou. The reporter learned from the meeting that in terms of digital technology empowering industrial transformation and upgrading and digital government construction, Guangdong Province has achieved gratifying results. Among them, in 2017, Guangdong Province took the lead in deploying the reform and construction of digital government in the country. "The" one network collaboration "of the government has been steadily promoted, the government runs" one network collaboration "to increase efficiency, government data" one network sharing "has continued to improve, and integrated government service capacity assessment ranks first in the country for three consecutive years.

"Guangdong Series" is indispensable for Cantonese to lack online digital identity and work hall

In recent years, Guangdong Province has grasped digitalization, networking, and intelligent direction, promoting digitalization of manufacturing, service industry, agriculture and other industries, using new Internet technologies to transform all -round and full -chain of traditional industries, and improve full factor productivity. Guangdong Province has closely seized the strategic opportunity of intelligent construction and construction industrialization, and used digital technology to empower the construction industry's transformation and upgrading to achieve gratifying results. In 2021, a total of 3 projects in Guangdong Province were included in the pilot of the national intelligent construction project. 10 experience practices were included in the national intelligent construction and new construction industrialization coordinated development list. Intelligent construction of new technologies and new products innovation services are typical, rank among the top in the country.

Marriage can be opened across provinces online. Newborn birth certificate can be applied for the whole process. Major events such as buying a house can pay the deed tax online ... Digitalization not only plays an important role in industrial upgrading and development. There are countless convenience. Guangdong Innovation launched the "Guangdong Series" mobile government service brand. The "Guangdong Series" has become an indispensable online digital identity and office hall for Cantonese.

Expert: Digital transformation of some enterprises present the characteristics of single -point fragmentation

In the context of new infrastructure, can digitalization press the acceleration key for the development of the construction industry? Jia Kang, a well -known economist and the founding dean of the Institute of Economics of Huaxia, said that the Chinese economy still has considerable growth, and the national economic pillar industrial status of the construction industry is determined by objective laws. Digital transformation should develop in the direction of digital economy industrialization and industrial economic digitalization, and make more efforts in the upgrading and development of digital empowerment in the construction industry. At the same time, the development of new technologies, new processes, new architectural materials, and new architectural models should match policies and measures such as national green low -carbon and other policies and measures.

(Jia Kang, the founder of the famous economist and the founding dean of Huaxia New Supply Economics Research Institute)

"In digital transformation, there is a misunderstanding of some companies, that is, only pay attention to the" iceberg on the water "." Yuan Zhenggang, president of Guanglianda Technology Co., Ltd. pointed out that everyone's common data display methods such as large data and data statements, in fact, in fact, in fact, in fact, in fact, in fact, in fact, in fact, Just the corner of the iceberg that exposed the water. At present, the digital transformation of some enterprises only pays attention to misunderstandings such as data display, eagerness to see success, and upside down, and ignore the importance of data generation, fusion, and analysis, which leads to digital transformation. Yuan Zhenggang believes that the huge data is hidden under the water. To treat these data, you need to refine the extraction, remove the ore, and go through the data of ‘deep processing’.

With the rapid development of urbanization in China, urban and rural houses have increased year by year. In recent years, a large number of houses have been aging, and the hidden safety hazards accumulated in history have begun to appear, and the pressure of safety management and control has been increasing, and the situation is becoming increasingly severe. In the security testing of the house, digital methods such as the Internet of Things and big data have played an important role. Luo Chiyu, deputy general manager and chief engineer of Guangdong Province Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., showed reporters a set of safety assessment and decision -making systems based on big data. "There is a relatively complete monitoring system for the safety of new buildings, but it is difficult for many old houses, especially houses with more than 50 years old buildings for more than 50 years." Luo Chiyu introduced that this set of big data is based on big data The evaluation and decision -making system can monitor real -time safety monitoring of old houses, and use a scientific and reasonable evaluation method to evaluate the safety status of the house, realize the goal of timely discovering potential safety hazards, reducing the probability of incidence of house safety accidents, and improving the safety of house use. Essence

(Luo Chiyu, deputy general manager and chief engineer of Guangdong Provincial Institute of Architecture Design and Research)

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Jia Zhengtu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Yang Yaozhen Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Long Chengliu

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