Energy to help farmers and Gansu Wuwei City Rural Professional and Technical Cooperation Federation held a symposium on agricultural development

Author:Energy China Time:2022.07.21

Energy China · China Development Network Communication Matrix (Communication Lei Longyu) Recently, the director of the People's Energy Public Welfare Development Fund Management Committee, the head of the energy China · China Development Network Communication matrix Wang Fangyuan, the director of the People's Energy Media Information Center Lei Longyu, the people Zhang Leixiao, director of the Department of Energy's Foreign Cooperation, Li Sha, Energy Financial Consultant, and Zheng Xujie, head of the energy assistance team, and the head of the agricultural team with the energy assistance team with the energy assistance team and the Wuwei City Rural Professional and Technical Cooperation Federation in Gansu Province to conduct rural revitalization agricultural development symposiums to discuss the agricultural development of Wuwei City. New ideas.

According to the spirit of the State and Rural Revitalization Bureau and the Ministry of Civil Affairs's "Notice on Printing and Distributing the" Social Organization's Special Action Plan for Rural Revitalization ", the spirit of energy to help farmers, people's energy public welfare development funds and energy China · China Development Network Communication matrix is ​​to further realize social organizations The value of public welfare is actively participating in the results of the results of strengthening and expanding poverty alleviation, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, reducing the burden on farmers 'grain planting, improving the level of farmers' planting, and initiating the public welfare activity of "rural revitalization to help farmers".

People's Energy and his party went to the Wuwei Rural Professional and Technical Cooperation Federation for investigation and conducted a symposium on rural revitalization agricultural development with the Federation. According to Guan Xing, the legal person of the Agricultural Technology Federation, the park is a national high -quality farmers training base. Its industries are mainly planted in the planting of peppers, corn, field wheat and greenhouse pre -packaged vegetables. It has also created digital online and offline sales channels. At present, there are more than 160 sales resources and a live broadcast center.

At the symposium, Wang Fangyuan, director of the Management Committee of the People's Energy Public Welfare Development Fund, said that the "rural revitalization agricultural development" public welfare project will be carried out from agricultural site guidance and preaching, special fertilizer assistance work, conducting agricultural school student training, fertilizer funding cycle Funding arrangements, technical support service cycles, funding arrangements, and sustainable development arrangements for projects conduct public welfare assistance to relevant areas. In accordance with the purpose of serving rural, service agriculture, and serving farmers, the purpose of serving rural revitalization is contributed.

Guan Xing said that according to the project planning, the Wuwei Rural Agriculture Bureau and the Agricultural Association can promote and demonstrate them in the three counties and one district, and each county and districts are used as a demonstration. In addition to the project planning, I hope that it can be simply packaged and net vegetables shipped to the eastern cities. At present, most of these material purchases are supply chain companies, and then distribute to units and supermarkets in various provinces. "I hope that the Foundation and the County and District Agricultural Technology Association will work directly. The Agricultural Technology Association will connect with farmers and enterprises. The research report can use an enterprise or association as a carrier. You can promote it from the province after the experimental field results. "

In terms of project cooperation, the Agricultural Technology Federation proposes to coordinate subordinate enterprises to provide agricultural products, and directly sell for the terminal with the support of the foundation. At the same time, it is hoped that high -quality biological stimulus agents will be applied in the project standard system to enhance the output of crops.

The two parties reached a unified consensus on the agricultural production issues. The ultimate purpose of the project is to link the sales of the sales side to increase the income to the local farmers, produce the effect of rural rejuvenation, use the power of public welfare to promote the development of local agriculture. At the same time, it also provides local farmers. Opportunities for learning and training can scientifically help farmers and efficiently produce.

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