Sichuan introduced the "14th Five -Year" energy -saving emission reduction plan

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.07.21

On July 21, the reporter learned from the website of the Sichuan Provincial Government that in order to conscientiously implement the major decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and the work arrangements of the provincial party committee and provincial government, vigorously promote energy conservation and emission reduction, in -depth pollution prevention and control battle, promote efficient resource utilization utilization, Accelerate the establishment and improvement of green low -carbon circular development economic systems, promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, help achieve carbon peaks, carbon neutralization targets, and formulate the "Comprehensive Work Plan for Energy -Saving and Energy -Saving for Sichuan Fourteen Five -Year Plan".

main target

During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the energy consumption of GDP in the province decreased by 14%compared with 2020, and the key projects such as chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, nitrogen oxide, and volatile organic matter were reduced by 149,200, respectively.Tons, 7,900 tons, 59,500 tons, and 25,300 tons.Energy -saving and emission reduction policies and mechanisms are more sound, the efficiency efficiency and control level of key industries have basically reached the international advanced level, and the green transformation of economic and social development has achieved significant results.

The full text of "Comprehensive Work Plan for Energy -saving and Restaurant Reduction of Sichuan Province" Sichuan Province "

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