Doctor reminds: Keeping good hygiene habits in preventing influenza A is the key

Author:Yangxi Rong Media Time:2022.07.21

Recently, the reporter learned from the traditional Chinese medicine hospital of Yangxi General Hospital that the hospital's recent consultation patients had doubled the fluctuations recently. In the face of the aggressive influenza virus, how should citizen friends deal with? Come and listen to what the doctor says.

Right now, it is the high incidence of influenza. At present, citizens in our county suffer from popular A influenza virus. Doctors told reporters that influenza is not equal to normal colds. It is easy to spread in the crowd. The symptoms are mostly high fever at 39 ° C-40 ° C. The accompanying tremor is 3-5 days. It is easy to cause a variety of complications such as pneumonia, myocarditis, meningitis, and even risk of death.

Liu Yiping, deputy chief physician of the General Medicine Hospital of Yangxi General Hospital: The performance of flu is a bit similar to the performance of ordinary colds. There are some symptoms of influenza, such as fever often exceed 39 ° C, and there will be some symptoms of the whole body in a short period of time, muscle, joint pain, fatigue, and even some symptoms of digestive tract diseases such as diarrhea. Influenza will be contagious, and it will be transmitted through the respiratory tract, contact, etc. The general cold is not infected so strong. Generally, runny nose, sneezing, and throat itchy and painful.

Since May this year, the proportion of influenza -like cases in our county has risen. In order to actively prevent and control the influenza epidemic, doctors remind citizen friends to keep their hands -to -hand, wearing masks, and constant ventilation in daily life. If the influenza symptoms occur, you should seek medical treatment in time to avoid going to school or work with illness.

Liu Yiping, deputy chief physician of the general internal medicine of Yangxi General Hospital of Yangxi General Hospital: Influenza, first in life, we must be isolated, to avoid some people, and if you fever, you need to go to a popular kidney clinic. Second, pay attention to drinking more water, maintaining hygiene, and how much ventilation. Third, some drugs are performed, exercise in moderation, and usually keep some light diet. Don't be too greasy. Do not advocate staying up late and drinking.

Source: Yangxi County Rong Media Center • Yangxi Micro News

Text: Feng Ruixue

Photography: Chen Xuhuan

Edit: Shen Dingfa

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