Focusing on robot competition 丨 "Loudi is a beautiful city"

Author:Loudi News Network Time:2022.07.21

Loudi News (Loudi Daily All -Media Reporter Liao Qingquan Intern Kang Xin) Loudi, Midsummer, is like a fire. On July 21, 298 teams and more than 700 teachers and students from 14 cities and states in the province gathered in Loudi. While actively participating in the "Popular Science China" Hunan Action and the 14th Hunan Youth Robot Competition, they harvested happiness.

"This is the first time I came to Loudi. I think Loudi is a beautiful city." Li Jianxun, a young player from Hengyang, said excitedly. Li Jianxun will be promoted to junior high school next semester. He has learned robot programming for three years and prepared for this competition for more than a month. "It's a little nervous now, but I still have confidence in their own games!" Li Jianxun was full of confidence.

Chen Yanjia and Hu Yuhang, who participated in the robot engineering competition, are young players from Yongzhou. They are "dead parties" in their lives, and they are partners in the competition. "This is the third time we participated together. The first two were in Xiangtan and Yueyang." Like other little players, they also came with the teachers and more than 10 friends. The drive was two and a half hours. "It's very happy to participate in the competition. I ate the casserole stewed chicken yesterday. It was delicious. After the game was over, I wanted to try Loudi cuisine." Chen Yanjia said with a smile. When asking if he will continue to learn robot programming, Hu Yuhang said: "I will always persist in learning, and my parents also support me. Learning robot programming can develop my thinking and enhance the ability to solve problems. It will not affect my studies, but it will make my grades better and better. "

He Yanwen from Shaoyang is one of the few girls among the contestants. "I have studied robot programming for a few months. This is also the first time I have participated in provincial -level large -scale competitions." He Yanwen said that he had a lot of great to robots. Interest, although it is generally tired at noon training, but will persist. "Learning robot programming can exercise my thinking and hands -on ability, and my parents support me." He Yanwen said.

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