Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital launched a 5G crime renewal area coordination platform

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.22

Text, Figure/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Zheng Mingda Correspondent Hong Kong Shenzhen Medical letter

On July 20th, the launching meeting of the 5G Criminal Reinforcement area was held at the atmosphere of the outpatient clinic at the Shenzhen Hospital of Hong Kong University (hereinafter referred to as the "Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital") at the same time. The platform uses the advantages of high -speed networks to build an integrated medical treatment mechanism for the front, the middle of the hospital, and the post -hospital.

The launch of the 5G crisis renewal area collaborative treatment platform

It is understood that the coordinated treatment platform of the 5G crisis reconstruction area is composed of the newborn intelligent first -aid referral compartment, the treatment command center, the transfer team, and the international multidisciplinary expert team. Save. When the referral hospital has demand, after submitting the application through the platform, after 10 minutes of rapid assessment of the Shenzhen University Shenzhen Hospital Command Center, you can send a car and specialized medical staff for special equipment in 30 minutes- "Newborn 5G Intelligent First -aid Introduction Card" Go to the referral hospital.

Relying on the characteristics of 5G technology high -screen speed and traceability, the three parties of Shenzhen University of HKSAR, referral hospitals, and multi -disciplinary experts have changed the original telephone and WeChat contact mode through the platform to establish a high -speed sharing mode of mother and infant information. Parameters such as inspection results, real -time transmission of images, vital signs and ventilator, children's video or audio can be presented in real time and dynamic in the command center. The green channel is admitted in advance to help the international medical team efficient decision -making.

It is worth mentioning that the international NICU/PICU, Condest Surgery, Children's Surgery, Children's Orthopedics, Emergency Department, Anesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Ultrasound Department of Hong Kong University of Hong Kong University The offline/online real -time guidance frontline team makes fast and accurate clinical decisions to ensure seamless connection throughout the transfer and improve the quality of treatment.

Since 2020, nine hospitals at the Shenzhen University Shenzhen Hospital have established a new model of "two -way referral, complementary advantages, resource sharing" for medical treatment. The demonstration and leading role of the international expert team. When the symptoms of neonatal disease are controlled and the condition is stable in the recovery period, under the premise of voluntary family members, they can be transferred back to the birthplace hospital to continue treatment until the child's recovery was discharged, which is extremely great It is convenient for children to take care of them and have been well received by cooperative medical units and patients' families.

Dangerous re -raw child transfer ambulance

It is reported that on December 31, 2021, 24+6 weeks of super premature newborn newborns were referred from a hospital in the surrounding area to Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital for "necrotic small intestinal colonitis fistula" Dr. Zhang Qianchang conducted a treatment and treatment. On January 13, 2022, the child successfully transferred back to the original hospital after completing surgery, post -care, and evacuation of the ventilator. This is the first time in Shenzhen to achieve a two -way referral of neonatal surgery, and it is also the lowest two -way referral of newborn surgery at the current lowest age and birth weight. The smooth development of this model will help achieve the sharing of high -quality medical resources, optimize the layout of medical resources, promote the implementation of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, and make patients really benefit.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Wei Qin

School pair | He Qiyun

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