Several policies for Zhengzhou to strengthen new citizens' financial services

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.07.22

Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Zhengzhou City on issuing and issuing several policies to strengthen the financial services to strengthen new citizens

Zheng Zheng Office [2022] No. 74

The management committees of each development zone, the people's government of each district, county (city), the departments of the municipal people's governments, and relevant units:

"Several policies for strengthening the financial services of new citizens" have already agreed to the municipal government. It is now issued to you. Please take it seriously.

The General Office of the People's Government of Zhengzhou City

July 8, 2022

Several policies to strengthen financial services for new citizens

In order to better meet the financial needs of Zhengzhou's new citizens in key areas of entrepreneurial employment, living, medical care, pension, education, etc., strengthen the synergy of financial, fiscal, employment, housing, social security and other policies, and enhance the equalization and equalization of financial services in our city. The level of facilitation, in accordance with the spirit of the "Notice of the People's Bank of China of the People's Bank of China on Strengthening the Financial Services of New Citizens" (CBRC [2022] No. 4) and other documents, combines the actual situation of our city to formulate the following policies.

1. Scope of policy applications and key areas

The new citizens involved in this policy mainly refers to the residence of Zhengzhou because of their entrepreneurial employment, children attending school, and voting for children. Graduate graduates of employment. This policy focuses on strengthening financial support to the more regions and industries that absorb new citizens, including but not limited to key areas such as innovation and entrepreneurial bases, industrial industrial parks, as well as manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail industry, transportation, warehousing and postal industry , Resident service, repair and other services, information transmission, software and information technology services.

2. Main content

(1) Strengthen the employment and entrepreneurship service of Zheng Zheng

Incorporate new citizens into the scope of support for entrepreneurial guarantee loans in our city, and strengthen the guarantee of new citizens in Zheng Chuangye's funds. Strengthen the financial support for absorbing more small and micro enterprises for new citizens, help enterprises to reduce pressure, expand production and operation, and help them better play the role of small and medium -sized enterprises to absorb new citizens and stabilize employment.

1. Make good use of entrepreneurial guarantee policies. Increase the loan amount for individuals. Eligible entrepreneurial staff and college graduates can apply for entrepreneurial guarantee loans with a total support and local support at the same time at the same time; reduce the application threshold for small and micro enterprises. The number of people who met the number of newly recruited applications for entrepreneurial guarantee loans and the proportion of the number of employees existing employees in the year were reduced to 15 %, and more than 100 companies were reduced to 8 %; the interest rate level was reduced. The interest rate of new entrepreneurial guarantee loans issued by financial institutions does not exceed LPR + 150bp, and parts below the interest LPR-150bp shall be borne by borrower and borrowing enterprises. For new citizens who meet the conditions of national and municipal support for discount loans at the same time, they must give priority to applying for national support loans for their national support; relaxation of the scope of guarantee policies. For entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial projects, and entrepreneurial enterprises who have issued a newly issued personal entrepreneurial guarantee loan, for entrepreneurial personnel, entrepreneurial projects, and entrepreneurial enterprises who have won the honorary titles at or above the municipal level or the provincial -level relevant entrepreneurial innovation event activities. Credit small and micro enterprises, merchants, and farmers, such as stable and trustworthy secondary entrepreneurs such as secondary entrepreneurs, in principle exempt counter -guarantee. For the third prize of the entrepreneurial and innovation competition organized by college graduates to win the entrepreneurial innovation contest organized by the municipal level or above, anti -guarantee can be canceled within the amount of 200,000 yuan loan; By promoting the construction of a grass -roots service platform for human resources and social security, the online application of borrowers is realized, and the Human Resources and Social Security Department reviews the qualifications of borrowers, due diligence for guarantee institutions, and "multi -review of one" before lending in financial institutions to optimize the process and compression time.

2. Optimize policy and mechanism. Give full play to the leading role of re -loan policy traction, and give the local legal person financial institutions in Zhengfang's entrepreneurial guarantee loan that meets the conditions of supporting agriculture and branch small re -loan, and the Zhengzhou Central Sub -branch will give re -loan support in a timely manner. Innovate the annual enhancement mechanism of the Risk Compensation of Entrepreneurship Loan Risk, linking the funds amplification multiple to the loan repayment rate. If the repayment rate of the previous year reaches more than 90 %, the liability balance can be enlarged to 5 times the balance of the fund account deposit; For more than %, the liability balance can be appropriately enlarged to 10 times in accordance with national regulations; if the repayment rate of the previous year is less than 90 %, in principle, the new entrepreneurial guarantee loan business is suspended.

3. Innovate product model. Strengthen the innovation of entrepreneurial credit products, encourage commercial banks to make full use of information technology, accurately evaluate the credit status of new entrepreneurial citizens, launch personalized entrepreneurial credit products, and provide services such as reducing service charges and flexible settlement periods. Strengthen business model innovation, encourage development of banks and policy banks to further improve and improve the transfer of loan business models in cooperation with commercial banks, steadily increase the transfer of transfer loans, and provide lower -cost credit funds for small and micro enterprises. Strengthen the construction of the platform, promote the construction of a comprehensive credit service platform for corporate financing, the construction of a big data platform for entrepreneurship, and collect data information such as entrepreneurial investment enterprises, small and medium -sized science and technology innovation enterprises, and provide financing docking services.

4. Increase corporate relief assistance. The number of small and micro enterprises of new citizens will be included in the "10,000 people to help 10,000 enterprises" and "president entering thousands of enterprises" and online normalized banking docking activities support objects, strengthen visiting investigations and financing docking, and help enterprises to relieve difficulties. Encourage the financial institutions to do a good job of continuing conversion of the expiration of the repayment of the principal and interest payment policy, increase the implementation of the renewal policy, and consider small and micro enterprises with the willingness to repay and absorb employment capabilities, and have temporary operations. The exhibition period, reorganization and other means, independently negotiate loan repayment methods in accordance with the principle of marketization. In response to new citizens' employment and entrepreneurship involving more small and micro enterprises such as catering and beverage, explore the risk of interrupting the business interruption of the main market entity of the insurance mechanism through the method of promoting, corporate insurance, and insurance companies underwritten by government promotion, and insurance companies to stabilize the business operation expectations of enterprises. (2) Strengthen the service of staying in Zheng Anju

To solve the difficulty of housing in housing such as new citizens, young people and other groups. From the aspects of guarantee rental housing, market -oriented rental housing supply, new citizen's commercial housing purchase, and related living living security, increase financial support for new citizens to stay Zheng Anju Establishment.

5. Increase credit support for affordable housing suppliers. Encourage banking financial institutions to rationally improve the proportion of the assessment of affordable rental housing business in various real estate businesses, increase support for affordable housing such as public rental housing, affordable rental housing, and common property housing Essence Improve loan statistics that are compatible with affordable leased housing, and the relevant loans issued by banking financial institutions to the affordable leased housing projects of holding affordable rental housing projects are not included in real estate loan concentration management. Support banking financial institutions to issue financial bonds, and raise funds for affordable rental housing loans. Encourage financial institutions to take the initiative to serve, and provide professional and diversified financial services in the development, construction, purchase, stock activation, decoration and management, operation management, and supporting municipal infrastructure construction.

6. Eliminate the financing channels for the supply of affordable rental housing. Eligible enterprises issue corporate credit bonds for ensuring housing construction and self -held operations. The affordable leased housing held by the enterprise has continuously stable cash flow, encouraging them to enhance credit through property mortgage and issue housing leasing guarantee bonds. Support commercial insurance institutions and trust companies to play their own advantages, and participate in the construction and operation of affordable rental housing in accordance with laws and regulations.

7. Optimize the provident fund policy. Encourage new citizens to employment and entrepreneurship, incorporate new citizens into flexible employees, and realize that the housing provident fund business entrusted banks in Zhengzhou urban areas will handle the account opening business nearby. Explore the services such as the establishment, payment, and provident fund loans of the flexible employee account of new citizens, and gradually realize the online handling of the "Zheng Haoqiu" platform, expand the coverage of housing provident fund policies, and enhance the convenience of housing provident fund loans and repayment convenience. The new citizens who have paid the provident fund in Zhengzheng Fund are included in the “Housing Provident Fund Credit Loan” service scope, promoting the cooperation between the Municipal Provident Fund Management Center and commercial banks, insurance institutions, and rental enterprises. Commercial credit business provides information support. Explore the "1 + 8" Zhengzhou Metropolitan Capital Provident Fund's mutual recognition business, realize mutual loan and mutual loan of provident fund loans in the urban circle, and effectively meet the demand for the purchase of housing in other cities in the urban circle to enter the Zhengxin Citizen's provident fund loan.

8. Optimize financial services for new citizens. Adhere to the positioning of "housing and not stir -fry", support banking institutions to implement differentiated housing credit policies, reasonably determine the minimum down payment ratio and minimum loan interest rate of commercial personal housing loans that meet the conditions of buying housing, encourage housing loan interest rates, increase loan loans Starter efforts to better meet the needs of home buyers. Financial institutions that support the development of loans and reduce personal mortgage loan interest rates will give priority to the government's new financial deposits and fund accounts.

9. Do a good job of supporting financial services for new citizens. Aiming at the specialized financial needs and diversified consumption scenarios of new citizens at the stage of entering the city, settlement, settlement, and life, we will continue to optimize and improve supporting financial services. Encourage the banking bank to make full use of information technology, to scientifically prudently evaluate the credit level of new citizens, and use financial products and services such as consumer loans and credit cards to provide consumer credit products for new citizens to purchase reasonable needs such as furniture and home appliances. Continue to carry out the issuance of consumer vouchers in Zheng personnel (including foreign personnel), and increase the issuance of consumer coupons in the fields of household appliances and automobiles. Encourage the financial institutions to enrich consumer financial products such as automobiles and other consumer financial products to better serve new citizens' living needs.

10. Explore service new citizens' characteristic financial brands. Carry out innovative actions of "one line, one product, one product" of new citizen financial services, and encourage banking institutions to launch "new citizen loans" exclusive credit products with citizen cards (social security cards) as the carrier; encourage insurance institutions to launch exclusive insurance products with new citizens' characteristics , Explore financial brands that have characterized the characteristics of "new citizen loans" and "new citizen insurance" in Zhengzhou, and expand social influence.

(3) Strengthen medical care and health protection

In terms of improving health medical care and elderly care services, continue to improve and improve the service quality and guarantee of new citizens, effectively improve the medical care and health guarantee of Zheng Xin's citizens, and improve the happiness of Zheng Lifeng.

11. Improve the health protection of new citizens. Strengthen insurance product innovation, encourage insurance institutions to strengthen cooperation with the municipal medical insurance department, follow the principles of government guidance, voluntary insurance participation in insurance, insurance companies assume insurance liability, and implement market -oriented operation. Zhengzhou customized benefits project with a limited age, moderate protection, and low premiums; and in response to the situation where the new citizen group is short -term and more temporary workers, they actively do the enterprises where the new citizens are located and provide flexible, affordable and convenient group health insurance products. At the same time, strengthen the connection with basic social security policies such as work injury insurance, and develop employer liability insurance, accident insurance and other businesses suitable for new citizens; focus on new citizen groups with outstanding professional risks such as construction workers, courier riders, and online car drivers. Fully consider its occupational characteristics, launch driver and passenger accident insurance, courier group accident insurance, non -motorized third -party liability insurance, new employment personnel occupational damage insurance, etc. 12. Strengthen the pension guarantee for the elderly and new citizens. Incorporate the new citizens of the elderly into the "Opinions of the Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on promoting the high -quality development of the elderly service" (Zheng Fa [2021] No. 12) and other relevant policy services. For the elderly, actively innovate exclusive products such as disease insurance, medical insurance and accident insurance insurance for the elderly, and provide the elderly with more insurance products with more appropriate prices, flexible responsibilities, and efficient services. Support the civic department to continue to explore and gradually realize the uniform insurance insurance insurance for the elderly (including the new citizens and elderly people who depend on their children to Zheng to Zheng to Zheng to Zheng. Actively explore the establishment of an accident insurance system for nursing caregivers for home care services.

13. Increase credit support for pension institutions. Encourage financial institutions to make good use of national inclusive pension special re -loan policies, strengthen financing support for inclusive pension institutions, and expand the coverage of pension services. Support special credit policies for the elderly service industry and the rehabilitation auxiliary appliance industry of the elderly and develop medium and long -term characteristic credit products. At the same time, it is encouraged to reduce the expenses of the elderly care service agencies and provide financing interest rate discounts, and do a good job of reducing and exemption of various fees such as mortgage evaluation fees, registration fees, small and micro -retirement enterprises fund management fees, financial advisory fees, and consulting fees. Municipal finance, civil affairs, and development and reform departments actively dock in Zhengshang Bank's institutions to strengthen the list of key pension projects and financing docking.

14. Strengthen the support of financing guarantee for the elderly service enterprise. Encourage government guarantee agencies to provide financing and credit to small and micro enterprises for pension services. Under the premise of sustainable operation, the guarantee premium rate is reduced in a timely manner. The guarantee rates charged by the pension service of small and micro enterprises with a single household guarantee amount of less than 5 million yuan have been reduced to no more than 1 %, and small and micro enterprises with a small and micro enterprise with a single household guarantee amount of more than 5 million yuan have been reduced to no more than 1.5. %.

(4) Optimize vocational training and children's education

From helping the new citizens to be employed to improve their technical skills, do a good job of education in Zhengxin citizens, etc., increase product and service innovation, effectively enhance the professional competitiveness of new citizens in Zheng employment, enhance the education of the children of the children of Zhengxin citizens in Zhengxin citizens' children Can be obtained.

15. Increased vocational education financial guarantee. Combined with the construction of "everyone's certificate and skills in Henan", it promotes new citizens to improve its technical skills and improve its ability to stabilize entrepreneurship in cities. Encourage the banking insurance institutions to take the initiative to connect to the industrial management departments of the Municipal Human Resources and Society, Education and other industries, in accordance with the policy requirements of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" vocational skills training plan, to explore vocational skills training institutions and project lists in their jurisdictions Methods provide financial support for new citizens' vocational and technical education and skill training. At the same time, insurance institutions are encouraged to develop vocational colleges for students' internship liability insurance business, and strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of key crowd skills training.

16. Serve the education of new citizens. Implement the national student loan policy, do new citizen children to school services for family economic difficulties, and encourage financial institutions to reasonably extend the loan period and return to the timely period of time. Encourage the insurance institutions to innovate the children's insurance, children's promotion subsidy insurance, education institution liability insurance and other insurance businesses, as well as inclusive preschool education liability insurance and accident insurance business, to provide insurance protection for new citizen family children's education. At the same time, financial institutions are encouraged to increase financial support for new citizens to gather regional care institutions in accordance with relevant national and provincial and municipal systems.

(5) Other financial services to improve quality and efficiency

Improve the convenience and accessibility of new citizens in Zheng Xiang's financial services, and effectively enhance the sense of gain and security of new citizens in terms of rights and interests and financial literacy improvement.

17. Helps protect the legitimate rights and interests of new citizens. In response to the Zhengzheng agricultural agricultural group, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department actively took over the Zheng Yinxing institutions, used the advantages of financial institutions in information technology, data, and channels, coordinated and improved the migrant workers' salary payment monitoring and early warning platform to improve the quality and efficiency of the platform. Support bank insurance institutions to explore financial products such as the development of migrant workers and wages, and ensure that the salary of migrant workers will be paid in a timely and full amount. In response to the consumer needs of new citizens to enter Zhengzheng's education, pension, housing, etc., implement fund supervision requirements for private education institutions, pension institutions, and housing rental enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of new citizens. Encourage the financial institutions to publish complaints and methods through channels, websites, mobile banks and other channels, improve the dispute resolution mechanism, deal with them in a timely manner, and safeguard the rights and interests of new citizens' financial consumers.

18. Strengthen the popularization and publicity of financial knowledge. The financial work departments of the city, district, county (cities) actively connect with financial institutions in their jurisdictions and carry out the popularization of normal financial knowledge. Promote the bank insurance institutions within their jurisdictions to set up public welfare financial knowledge and education zones on official websites, mobile clients (APPs), and business places in accordance with the characteristics of new citizens. Essence With the financial management department of the Central Central Committee in Henan, the publicity and education of consumer rights protection, anti -money laundering, anti -fake coins, anti -fraud, anti -fraud, preventing illegal fundraising and other promotion and education, support bank insurance institutions to actively carry out financial knowledge entering factories, parks, campuses and other activities , Simultaneously strengthen online publicity and education. Third, guarantee measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership

Improve political standing, strengthen the sense of responsibility, and fully understand the significance of financial services for new citizens. Incorporate the financial services of new citizens into the key work of the year, improve the coordination and contact mechanism of the financial management department and relevant municipal government departments in Henan, and vigorously promote the implementation of the policy.

(2) Change the work style

Combining the new citizen's financial service work with the "capacity building year" activity, "I do practical work for the masses" practice activities, and effectively solve the problem of "urgency and sorrow" in the field of new citizens with excellent work style and high -quality financial services. Use the effect of supporting new citizens to test the results of style construction.

(3) Give full play to policies

Strengthen departmental linkage, strengthen the effective connection of financial support policies with new citizens such as financial policies and finance, employment, housing, and social security, and consolidate policy joint efforts. Speed ​​up cooperation mechanisms in the aspects of new citizen social insurance payment and issuance, housing provident fund deposit and use, migrant workers' salary issuance, medical insurance deposit and settlement, etc., and promote the innovation of business services such as supervision, industry, employment and bank insurance institutions. The same direction can effectively meet the financial needs of new citizens.

(4) Improve the support system

Promote the sharing of data such as social security, taxation, housing provident fund and other data, and encourage the bank insurance institutions to optimize the credit evaluation system of new citizens on the basis of effectively protecting personal information in accordance with the law. Promote the improvement of the business risk compensation fund mechanism, for the financing risk compensation for new citizens and the company's employment of new citizens, strengthen bank insurance and silver cooperation, and improve the risk slow release mechanism.

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