Shanxi provincial -staged employee basic medical insurance unit payment and maternity insurance premiums

Author:Published by Shanxi Time:2022.07.22

In order to implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Government, effectively protect the basic people's livelihood, and help enterprises to relieve difficulties, the Shanxi Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Taxation Bureau jointly issued the "About Phase" Notice of the Payment of Payment and Maternity Insurance of Basic Medical Insurance Units of Sexual Payment of Employees (Jinyi Paqua [2022] No. 8, hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").

The "Notice" clearly states that the accumulated cumulative deposit of employees' medical insurance funds that can be paid more than 6 months is greater than 6 months. Since July 2022, individual industrial and commercial households who participate in small and medium -sized enterprises and units have been slowly paid for 3 months employees for 3 months. The payment and maternity insurance premiums of the medical insurance unit are exempted from hid fees during the periodic period. Social organizations, foundation, social service agencies, law firms, accounting firms and other social organizations are implemented with reference. Enterprises that have paid in July 2022 can be paid slowly from August, and the corresponding monthly will be postponed for one month, and the July fee can also be applied for.

The "Notice" requires that the benefits of insured personnel (unit) participants are fully guaranteed. During the slow payment period, the medical expenses stipulated by the relevant enterprises (units) participants in accordance with employee medical insurance and maternity insurance policies shall be reimbursed in a timely manner, the maternity allowance shall be paid in time, and the personal account shall be allocated in full to ensure that the level of treatment is not reduced.

The "Notice" emphasizes that the "exemption of shackles is enjoyed" through the model. Eligible enterprises (units) can enjoy the slow payment policy without applying. Under the leadership of the municipal governments, the medical security and taxation departments will jointly determine the list of retreat enterprises (units) in conjunction with relevant departments. If the existing data of the department cannot meet the type of enterprise (unit), the enterprise (unit) shall issue a written commitment to the approved payment department to enjoy the slow payment policy. It is necessary to strengthen departmental cooperation, optimize workflow, open operating procedures, and reduce the affairs of the insured unit.

The "Notice" requires the legitimate rights and interests of the employees (unit) employees who slowly pay the enterprise (unit). During the slow payment period, the relevant enterprises (units) fulfilled the withdrawal obligations of the individual payment of employees in accordance with the law, applying for information on the medical insurance premiums of employees normally, to ensure that employees participated in continuous insurance, and the personal rights and interests were recorded continuously. The payment and maternity insurance premiums of employee medical insurance units that are paid by enterprises (units) should be paid in place by the end of June 2023.

The "Notice" emphasizes that in all regions of various overall plans, we must improve political standing, unify ideological understanding, carefully organize implementation, control the risks of operating operations, ensure that the implementation of the slow payment policy is detailed, and ensure that the dividends of benefits are precisely implemented.

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Source | Public account of Shanxi Medical Insurance Bureau

Edit | Feng Yuxian

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