Laizhou City Carry out the construction site safety, civilized construction and observation activities

Author:Laizhou Rong Media Time:2022.07.22

On July 18, the Laizhou Housing and Construction Bureau organized the quality safety and civilized construction site observation activities to observe and exchange the safety and civilization construction of the Laizhou Country Garden-Tao Li oriental project. A total of more than 40 people in the construction and construction enterprises participated in the observation meeting.

At the observation meeting, the relevant personnel reviewed and summarized the safety production work of construction construction in the first half of the year, analyzed the current safety production situation of construction construction, and reported on the production safety accidents in inside and outside the province and outside the province. And require each construction, supervision, and construction units to strengthen the inspection and prevention and control of the construction site for the characteristics of the summer and flood season, strengthen the safety management of the construction site, and drainage, foundation pit support, scaffolding, construction machinery and equipment, dormitory office office at the construction site Safety risks such as temporary facilities are conducted in a comprehensive investigation and control to prevent the harm of extreme weather to construction operations. Flood prevention and typhoon prevention should be early warning and early deployment to achieve early emergency plans, sufficient rescue team preparation, sufficient emergency materials reserve, timely early warning information release, hidden danger investigation and rectification, and thoroughly implement various preventive measures. Subsequently, under the guidance of the construction party of Tao Li oriental, the observant staff visited and exchanged and learned on project management and related construction precautions.

"The purpose of this observation activity is to promote good experience and practices through the form of point -to -face and demonstration. The relevant person in charge of the bureau said.

In recent years, the Laizhou Housing and Construction Bureau has attached great importance to safety management, laying a good foundation for the quality and safety management of construction projects. In the future, I hope that the projects under construction can take the Tao Li oriental project as the role model, carry forward the spirit of rushing to catch up, work hard, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs and new development work, and to promote the further improvement of the quality of construction projects in the city. New contribution. (Correspondent Wang Longtao Zhao Xiangjun)

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