Huimin: Soya corn "hold hands" composite planting promotes income increase

Author:Huimin Rong Media Time:2022.07.22

Huimin Rong Media (Reporter: Zhang Dangjie Xu Yan) This year, Huimin County actively explored the corn -soybean band -shaped composite mode, maximized the potential of land, enhanced planting efficiency, promoted the compatible development of corn and soybeans, and achieved high yield and stable yield. One field is more collected.

In Lizhuang Town, Huimin County, in the family farm of grain planting in Lizhuang Town, the corn and soybeans are compounded in harmonious symbiosis and growing up. "I have planted 4 tours and 5 soybeans, and now they have grown well." Song Xiujun, head of the family farm of Huimin County, said.

Song Xiujun's farm has a total of 300 acres of fields. As early as last year, he took out 100 acres of land for composite soybean corn planting, and the income was quite good. "Since the grown of soybeans and corn is compounded, an income has been added. The corn has basically been reduced, and 200 pounds of soybeans have been income."

The corn is not reduced, soybeans are still picked up in vain. This year, Huimin County promoted the large -scale corn -soybean -shaped composite mode, which made Song Xiujun happy to plant soybeans with this model this year, and also obtained an additional 200 yuan subsidy funds per mu. "Coupled with the country's promotion of this policy this year, and a subsidy of 200 yuan, so that a acre of land can earn 700 yuan more, so this year I will plant me more than 300 acres of land." Huimin County pays in Huimin County. Song Xiujun, the head of the Family Farm of Shan Grain, said with a smile.

Although the benefits of composite planting are prominent, because the two crops are not a subject, the management of farmland is more difficult, which has also become one of the concerns of the masses. "Mainly soybeans and corn weeding. This is the biggest difficulty. There are still some difficulties in the prevention and control of pests and insect pests. Whether the diseased and insect worship is controlled and treats the same prevention and treatment. Webmaster Hu Xingjun said.

To this end, Huimin County sent 6 bags to the supervision team to go to various towns to go deep into the fields, carry out technical guidance, focus on key links such as sowing, weeding, and pest control of diseases and insect pests, and summarize and improve the scientific prevention plan.

"In the early stages of soybeans and corn seedlings, that is, 2 ~ 3 slices of soybeans, 3 to 5 leaves, 3 ~ 5 leaves in weeds, choose soybean and corn dedicated herbicides for stems and leaves. After the weeding, a physical curtain should be installed on the spray device, and soybeans and corn should be separated to prevent drug damage. "Huimin County Agricultural Technology Station webmaster and agricultural technology promotion researcher Ma Dehui reminded.

At present, Huimin County has completed more than 10,000 acres of corn -soybean -shaped composite planting and promotion, and a demonstration site for 150 acres of soybean strap planting test was established in the four township office in the area to accumulate experience in the large -scale promotion of composite planting work. Explore the path.

"In the next step, we increase the technical guidance of business entities such as professional cooperatives, family farms, and large grain farmers, expand the influence and driving force of planting, ensure that key technical guidance is implemented to people and fields, and drive the masses to collect more. Increasing production and income. "Said Ma Dehui, a webmaster and agricultural promotion researcher at Huimin County.

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