"Central Plains Dance" Henan Art Plaza Dance Training Activities Enter Luoyang

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.07.22

Elephant reporter Zhang Chaofei Correspondent Cao Gaili/Wen Tu

On the morning of July 21, hosted by the Henan Provincial Dancers Association and hosted by the Luoyang Dancers Association, "Welcome to the Twenty of the Twenty CPCs into Wanjia" - "Central Plains Wanda" Henan Provincial Art Square Dance Training Activities Entering Luoyang Essence Pang Hong, vice chairman of the Henan Dance Association, Liu Hui, vice chairman of the Provincial Dance Association, Chen Lin, director of the Provincial Dance Association and director of the Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater "Tang Palace Night Banquet" and others attended the event.

The main content of this training is to conduct on -site comments and guidance for several art square dance programs selected by Luoyang. At the training site, the singing was flying, and the dance steps were brisk. The grass -roots square dance team from Luoyang City staged wonderful performances such as "Singing the Mountain Songs to the Party", "Yellow River Love" and "China in the Light". Elegant and beautiful dances have won applause from the live staff.

Subsequently, several professional directors and teachers from the Henan Dance Association analyzed and explained some problems in the performance. Teachers explained patiently and meticulously, letting the dancers learn enthusiastically, and repeatedly practiced according to the movements explained by the teacher. Through professional directors and teachers answering questions on the spot, dancers participating in the training have said that they have learned both dance and broadening their horizons, and benefited a lot. I hope that such ground -ground training can be carried out frequently.

According to Pang Hong, vice chairman of the Henan Provincial Dance Association, this training activity is also the document of the Henan Provincial Dance Association's implementation of the Henan Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department's "Top Ten Mass Cultural Activity Plan for the Top Ten Family in Henan Province" Spirit, give full mobilization of the city dance association, and carry out the normalized activity of the theme of "Welcome to the Twenty of the Twenty High Schools". "This time, the team of experts came to Luoyang to conduct on -site counseling of the local art square dance team. I also hope to further improve the level of dance in Luoyang Art Plaza." Pang Hong said that through this activity Life has cultivated the emotions of the people who love the party, patriotism, and socialism, and stimulate the new era of new journey and work in the new era of work.

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