179 cases positive were detected and detected in Lanzhou, Gansu Lanzhou

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.22

Yang Dezhi, deputy mayor of the Lanzhou Municipal People's Government of Gansu Province, introduced at a press conference held today that in the past few days, Lanzhou has conducted three rounds of global nucleic acid testing, and has a lot of flowing population, no property communities, urban villages, etc.In key areas and special groups of mobilization such as bed, old age, disability, etc., nucleic acid testing is performed by households.In the second round, a total of 3.702 million people were sampled in the entire region, and 179 positives were detected, of which 160 wereolation control staff and 19 cases in the society looked at them. The third round of the whole region was launched at 15:00 on July 21.As of 10:00 on July 22, 3.703 million person -times have been sampled, 3.3068 million were detected, and 48 were positive for the initial sieve.

The local area has quickly conducted a flow investigation around the residence, working place and activity trajectory of the newly -added infected people. On July 21, 2302 people were tracked to the closer, and 374 were closely connected, and the corresponding control measures had been implemented.

(Source: Beijing Daily)

【Edit: Shang Pei】

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