Li Angwei: The net profit of the semi -annual profit of 2022 was about 503 million yuan, an increase of about 140% year -on -year

Author:Capital state Time:2022.07.22

On the evening of July 21, 2022, Li Angwei (605358.SH) released the main business data in the semi -annual 2022 year.

In the semi -year 2022, after the company's preliminary accounting, the company realized operating income of approximately 1.564.7 million yuan, an increase of about 52%year -on -year; the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 502.6 million yuan, an increase of about 140%year -on -year; realizing the belonging to listed companies to listed companies;The net profit of shareholders' deduction of non -recurring profit and loss is about 455 million yuan, an increase of about 147%year -on -year.

Lion Wei said that during the reporting period, the downstream demand driven by national policies, accelerated domestic replacement of semiconductor, and the rapid development of clean energy and new energy vehicles continued to increase.The company's sales order is full, the production capacity is continuously released, and the production and sales of major products have increased significantly.

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