National Development and Reform Commission: The construction of the National Regional Medical Center adheres to the appropriate scale of the diagnosis and treatment.

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.22

Cover news reporter Shao Meng

On July 22, the National Health and Health Commission held the 11th series of press conferences for the "All for the Health of the People -Our Ten Years" series, introducing the results of deepening medical reform work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Sun Zhicheng, deputy director of the Social Division of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced that the construction of the National Regional Medical Center adheres to the moderate scale, mainly based on the diagnosis and treatment of suspiciousness, and does not blindly expand the construction scale and bed. The source of the disease.

Sun Zhicheng, deputy director of the Social Department of the National Development and Reform Commission. Picture source: China Net

At present, some places, especially in the central and western provinces, are facing weak medical resources and more patients flow. Sun Zhicheng said that the construction of the National Regional Medical Center is an important measure to reduce the medical treatment and solve the difficulty of seeing a doctor. Since 2019, the National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments have deepened the reform of the operating mechanisms such as personnel, compensation, and prices around the goals of serious illnesses, and have achieved preliminary results and have achieved the expected goals.

First, the balanced layout of high -quality medical resources has made breakthroughs. As of now, 20 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have joined the construction scope of the National Regional Medical Center, and 3 batches of 50 national regional medical centers have been implemented. As of June of this year, more than 60,000 beds were planned to set up 50 projects, which effectively alleviated the situation of tight high -quality medical resources and filled the shortcomings of specialized in tumor, cardiovascular, respiratory, pediatrics and other specializations. The output hospital dispatched the dean, director of the department, and resident experts to the project hospital. Now it has more than 3,000 people to promote the "dual director system" and promote the homogeneity of medical quality and safety management. More than 50,000 local medical talent teams took over and trained local medical talents, which comprehensively improved the level of hospital construction and personnel training. In the second half of this year, the construction of the fourth and fifth batch of national regional medical centers was launched, and the remaining 11 provinces were included in the construction scope.

The second is the rapid translation of advanced medical technology. The first two batches of 26 national regional medical centers started by the end of 2021. From January to May this year to May this year, more than 300,000 passengers were conducted, and more than 100,000 cases were conducted, an increase of more than 45%year -on -year. Among them, the proportion of high -level 4 -level surgery exceeded 35%. A number of leading new medical technologies in the country fill the provincial gap. Taking Zhengzhou Hospital of Beijing Children's Hospital as an example, 153 new technologies and new businesses were carried out in Henan. In 2021, more than 1,200 cases of rare diseases were treated, an increase of 25%year -on -year. The low weight of the treatment has set a record of the minimum weight of 500 grams in the province. Fudan Zhongshan Xiamen Hospital introduced 126 new clinical technologies, filling 57 medical technology gaps in Xiamen and even Fujian Province.

The third is to improve the direction of cross -provincial medical treatment. In 2020, after the first batch of provinces in pilot provinces carried out the construction of the National Regional Medical Center, the number of relevant specialists and provinces in the province in 2021 decreased by an average of 9%compared with 2019. You can see the top national expert. For example, the Shanxi Hospital of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has a significant decline in medical treatment. In 2020, it decreased by more than 79%compared with 2019, and in 2021, it decreased by more than 33%compared with 2020. After the opening of Ganzhou Hospital of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital this year, the first five months, 6 college transfer patients, including cardiovascular medicine, decreased by 40%compared with the same period last year, covering the difficult and critical patients covered with surrounding cities such as Ji'an, Fuzhou, Heyuan and other surrounding cities year -on -year year -on -year Increasing 45%, the effect is obvious.

Sun Zhicheng said that the National Development and Reform Commission will continue to promote the construction of the national regional medical center in conjunction with relevant departments, laying a solid foundation for achieving the goals of the province.

On July 22, the press conference of the National Health and Health Commission. Cover reporter Shao Meng Photography

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