Jingbao Quick Comment 丨 Iqiyi joins with Douyin: Longgo and thick snow, tolerate long and short videos

Author:Crystal report Time:2022.07.22

Recently, two benchmark companies in the fields of long and short video in iQiyi and Douyin Group have reached cooperation. The two parties will explore the second creation and promotion of long video content. While competition to cooperation, while opening the pattern, it also further supports the market's imagination space.

According to the cooperation agreement, iQiyi will authorize the Douyin Group to authorize its content assets with information network communication rights and transfer authorization long video content for short video creation. The two parties made specific agreements on the two -way forms of short video such as commentary, mixing, and disassembling, and will jointly promote the standardized use of long video content intellectual property rights.

The long -term dispute in the video field has a long history. The long video field once regarded short videos as "barbarians" and "invaders", and the two have been constantly in disputes. But such a needle tip is not exchanged for a "beautiful new world", but more consumption and double losses.

Behind the battle of length is driven by the inherent concept. First, everyone has built high -wall barriers, cleared the wild wall, trying to create its own complete content ecological closed loop, and in order to occupy an overwhelming advantage in the market. The second is that the territory is strong and the hostile thinking spreads. Such concepts eventually bring closure and internal consumption.

One thought of hell, one thought of heaven. In recent years, win -win cooperation has gradually replaced tit -for -tat, and positive changes have also appeared. In March of this year, Douyin and Sohu reached a copyright two -creation cooperation, and the long and short videos officially opened the "Broken Journey". Douyin obtained the second authorization of Sohu's self -made film and television works and variety shows, including "Forensic Qin Ming", "Hurry That Year", "He in the backlight" and other popular works. According to the rules, Douyin platform and users You can edit, arrange or adapt these film and television works within 5 minutes. Related data shows that under the general decline in active users such as Tencent Video, iQiyi, Youku, etc., since March 2022, the monthly work of Sohu Video has shown a more obvious positive growth trend.

Short video requires the content of long videos, and long videos require the marketing value of short videos. The two have natural complementarity. This time iQiyi joined hands with Douyin, which will directly bring good publicity to long videos, new promotion, and membership income. At the same time, it will also inject more high -quality content to short videos.

The strength of the change is long and short, which is of great significance. If we pull the sight more and explore the value behind it, we will find that from closed confrontation to open cooperation, it is the return of the Internet spirit that is open and shared, so that the Internet spirit is not out of time. At the same time, the process of closed confrontation to win -win cooperation is also the process of maximizing the interests of users. The value of the user as the core is not outdated at any time.

Source 丨 Jingbao APP

Reporter: Peng Jian

Edit: Li Huiling

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