Promote the best to help the Gongmei Industry for sustainable prosperity

Author:Consumer Daily Time:2022.07.22

"Gongmei Cup" Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Competition and Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Review Society successfully ended

Promote the best to help the Gongmei Industry for sustainable prosperity

A few days ago, the 2022 "Gongmei Cup" Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Competition and No. 1 of the Beijing Municipal Economic and Information Bureau Industrial Development Promotion Center, the Beijing Arts and Crafts Industry Association, and the Beijing Arts and Crafts Society jointly sponsored The review of the traditional arts and crafts of traditional arts and crafts in Beijing was successfully concluded, and the results of the selection were announced.

The reporter learned from the Beijing Arts and Crafts Society that this competition has been actively participated in the industry, masters, colleges and practitioners in Beijing, and solicited 614 entries (sets), and actually submitted 587 entries (sets). The scale of participation is the most over the years, and the skills and categories basically include the main category of Beijing arts and crafts.

The competition review expert group is divided into carving crafts, metal craft groups, and other craft groups. It consists of members of the 5th Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Review Committee. At the scene of the selection meeting, the participating experts unanimously voted and approved the "2022" Gongmei Cup "Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Competition and the Eleventh Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Review Rules" and "Eleventh Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Review Standards" Essence The experts of each group conducted a rigorous and meticulous on -site review scoring on the participating works in accordance with the rules of the competition. After the on -site statistics of the review working group, 352 awards (sets) were finally selected. (Kit), 105 copper awards (sets), 140 pieces of excellent awards (sets). At the same time, in accordance with the "Standards for the Eleventh Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Standards", the review expert group selected several treasures in the Gold Awards works, and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology was announced after approval.

The review expert group believes that the award -winning works in this competition have new breakthroughs and achievements in terms of design creativity, cultural connotation, production technology, and material application, and promotion of achievements, representing the cutting -edge results and leading levels of the industry development.

The jade gold award "Emerald Thangka" was completed by Cui Qiming, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, and his son Cui Nan. In an interview with reporters, Master Cui Qiming said that the "Gongmei Cup" is one of the most gold -content competitions in the Beijing arts and crafts industry. It is a stage for gathered Beijing to make arts. In order to participate in this competition, the studio deliberately used the jade carving work "Emerald Thangka" with the artistic efforts of the two generations of art. The reporter learned that the creative inspiration of this set of emerald works is taken from the mysterious and unique Thangka art in Tibet. The three statues in the works are not only full of Tibetan aesthetic design concepts, but also fully incorporated the craftsmanship of Beijing jade carving. The two masters took the materials in the sculpture, used the knife as the pen, and the jade as the paper. After three years of design and carving, they created this work. In addition, the material of the work is also very rare, all of which are "emerald water and stone monopoly", and the three "independent seeds" are similar in size. The solemnity and beautiful posture of the statue.

Golden Awards "Labor Rosewood with Beam Carved Dragon Pattern Da Luo Han Bed"

"Labor Rosewood has a beam of waist carved dragon pattern Da Luo Han bed" is the only gold award work in the traditional hardwood furniture of this competition. It was selected by Beijing Longshuncheng Chinese Furniture Co., Ltd. "Representative inheritor, Master Liu Gengsheng, the" annual character of the great country craftsman "in 2021, participated in the design and production. According to reports, "Labor Rosewood has a waist -carved dragon pattern Da Luo Han bed" is currently the "bed king" in the trapped rosewood furniture. It took almost two years from the beginning to the end to the end. This work integrates the "three musts" characteristics of Beijing -made hardwood furniture skills. In an interview with a reporter, Master Liu Gengsheng said: "Long Shuncheng has a history of 160 years since its founding in 1862. As the fifth generation of Long Shuncheng, I will not forget the original mission, keep positive innovation, and protect the inheritance excellent excellence. Traditional craftsmanship and Beijing work culture, drilling skills, preaching skills, bits with good apprentices, out -of -fine products, always love the original intention of posts, strive for excellence, and make the product to the extreme. "

Golden Awards "Pick -up Red Bronze Formula Bottle"

The carving lacquer gold award "Copper Copper Bottle" was selected by Manjian Min paint Culture Development Co., Ltd. This work was jointly co -produced by Du Qiang, the original Beijing Capital Plant craftsman, and the "post -90s" youth craftsman Xue Shiwen and Wang Yong. Finish. The design and production of the work lasted for 18 months. The overall pattern consists of 4 parts: the diameter decorated with the vertical leaf and the phoenix pattern of the bronze era. The shoulders and upper abdomen are gorgeous patterns. Tattoos, the bottom feet repeat the caliber bronze and bird pattern. The overall staggered, layered, and echoing up and down. In particular, the main pattern in the middle of the square bottle is full of composition, the face of the beast is huge and exaggerated, and it has a strong and gorgeous beauty. The work condenses the unique understanding of the carved artist and designer, and fully reflects the artistic charm of carving. The person in charge of the Manjian Memorial Paint Culture Development Co., Ltd. and the son of Man Jianmin Master Manshan said in an interview with reporters that in recent years, the studio has increased the cultivation of young generations of craftsmen. When the master of carving lacquer is led, through the older generation of master's "biography" and "handle -handed" teaching model, it has cultivated and reserved more new forces for Beijing's carving lacquer industry. In the daily creation and teaching, the studio respects the basic skills of traditional techniques, while encouraging young craftsmen to give full play to its creative advantages and integrate new elements and new functions into traditional carving design. "Lao helps and new" gives the new era charm to the traditional carving industry in Beijing. The reporter learned that since the promulgation of the "Beijing Traditional Arts and Crafts Protection Measures" in 2002, the "Gongmei Cup" Beijing Traditional (Innovation) Crafts and Crafts Competition has been held for 20 sessions, and the inheritance, protection, innovation and development of traditional arts and crafts in Beijing It has played an important role in promoting and is an important platform for the development of the annual inspection industry.

Text | Our reporter Jia Taowen

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