The launching ceremony and construction seminar of "Law Law (Labor Law and Social Security Law) Virtual Teaching and Research Office"

Author:Democratic and Legal Times Time:2022.07.22

Democratic and Law Society reporter Zhuang Detong reported

On July 15th, the "First Batch of Virtual Teaching and Research Room Law (Labor Law and Social Security Law) Virtual Teaching and Research Office of the Ministry of Education's first virtual teaching and research room in the School of Labor Relations School was held, which was organized by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Resources and Social Security, the National Federation of Industry and Commerce of China, the China Enterprise Federation, the Beijing Haidian District Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Institute, and Peking University, Renmin University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Central Finance and Economics More than 100 experts and scholars from universities, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Shenzhen University, and Southwest University for Nationalities attended the seminar online and offline.

Experts and scholars discuss the two themes of "the development and social law development of virtual teaching and research rooms and the development of social law" and "the construction work planning and development of the virtual teaching and research room".

It is understood that the construction of the virtual teaching and research room takes the overall goal of "integrating their respective high -quality resources, using information technology to build a cross -regional labor law and social security law community, and promote the development and prosperity of labor law and social security law." The Chinese School of Labor Relations stated that under this goal, it will carry out joint construction activities of virtual teaching and research rooms under the guidance, carry out in -depth construction of teachers' morality, and strengthen the construction of members of the teaching and research room through "internal and outer quotes", and expand the scope of the introduction of members of the virtual teaching and research room. , Construction and Sharing Labor Law and Social Security Law Database, jointly build and share teaching resources and social security law teaching resources, jointly organize teaching and academic seminars, teaching reforms, project declarations and teaching materials writing Series and other activities.

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