Carry out grass -roots wind inspection to help power supply services to improve quality and efficiency

Author:Costrit Finance Time:2022.07.22

"Please talk about the time limit for the new installation process of the user industry", "Please say what information you need to apply for the expansion of the high -voltage industry" This is the recent staff of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the State Grid Yunhe County Power Supply Company to the Urban Power Supply Center. A scene at the time of inspection.

Since this year, with the deployment of marketing 2.0 systems and the requirements of the relevant requirements of power supply services, grassroots work has been updated and iterated to a new level. In order to further standardize the workflow and strengthen the shortcomings of the business during the transformation stage, Zhejiang Yunhe County Power Supply Company continued to strengthen the special supervision of power supply services, enrich the supervision methods, sort out the pain points in the marketing business process of the system upgrade stage, and promote digital transformation.

The disciplinary inspection staff of Yunhe County Power Supply Company through in -depth front -line teams and talks with grass -roots personnel to communicate with grassroots staff to understand whether grassroots staff are clearly clarified by power supply services. To the front line. Whether there are problems such as perfunctory, formalism, and inconsistency in business requirements. Disciplinary inspection staff inquire about marketing 2.0 system data to understand whether the specific reasons for entering the machine in time, the specific reasons for the ultra -long process, and whether the "three zero" and the "three provinces" services are implemented in place. By viewing the process progress in the marketing 2.0 system, the staff's grasp of the new system is lacking due to the lack of power supply services due to unfamiliar business. Sort out the pain points in the workflow, related business and technology shortcomings in a timely manner, and will discover the relevant business departments such as the marketing department and the operation department of the transportation inspection department.

Next, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Guonet Yunhe County Power Supply Company will continue to play the role of supervision and guarantee, organically integrate the special supervision with the actual business of the grassroots, implement supervision requirements, refine supervision measures, follow up the supervision progress, and strengthen the shortcomings. Catably caught up to inject a strong motivation for the quality and efficiency of the company's power supply services. (Zhang Mengshi)

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