From the barefoot doctor to the famous Chinese medicine medicine across the country.

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.07.22

On July 20, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Health and Health Commission, and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine praised the 4th master of Chinese medicine and the second national famous Chinese medicine medicine. Among them, Yuan Changjin, chief physician of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was awarded the second national famous Chinese medicine medicine.

From the barefoot doctor to the famous Chinese medicine medicine across the country, Yuan Changjin, who is now 76 years old, still has 6 outpatient clinics a week, and takes more than 10,000 people a year. His life is full of hardships and legends. The only thing that is constant is the inextricable bond with Chinese medicine.

Worshiping the teacher, he has been awarded "Model Barefoot Doctor" many times

Yuan Changjin is from Jinjin, Hunan. In 1965, after graduating from Jinshi No. 1 Middle School, he caught up with the wave of "going up the mountain and going to the countryside" and became a "educated youth". After witnessing the situation of lack of medicine in rural areas at that time, he felt deeply, and he had a desire to study and treat people.

In 1966, Yuan Changjin returned to his hometown of Jinshu City. He was introduced by a high school teacher and worshiped the local old Chinese medicine Gan Guozhen as a teacher.

For a year, he rely on zero workers to make a living during the day, and read the lights at night, and read the Chinese medicine classics and textbooks such as "Treatise on Treatment of Treatment", "Jin Kui Summary" and "Medicine Three Characters". When it was inconvenient to go out to work in rainy days, he went to Jinshi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to see the prescriptions of the old Chinese medicine medicine.

Soon, relatives and friends knew that Yuan Changjin was studying Chinese medicine, and he asked him to see a doctor in an emergency. Neighbors Hu, suffering from cholecystitis, need to be hospitalized for each onset. In a winter night in 1967, Hu suddenly became ill again, fearing cold, and the upper abdomen was unbearable. In an emergency, his wife asked Yuan Changjin to go to the clinic. According to the syndrome differentiation, Yuan Changjin believes that it is Shaoyang Yangming's disease. He chose "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" Dhaihu Decoction and flavor. The patient only served only 3 doses.

An old man named Gao couldn't cure stubborn paralysis for a long time. After being invited to come to the door, Yuan Changjin used Fang Guizhi to go to Guijia Atractylodes soup, Jiashi Land, Zi Shi, Cistanche, etc. After 2 doses, the elderly have a smooth stool. Yuan Changjin also asked him to take the internal and subtracted internal and subtracted internal and subtracted by Guizhi Paeonia, and cooperated with acupuncture treatment. Three months later, the old man cured and lived completely.

In the spring of 1968, Yuan Changjin returned to the rural areas of Zhiqing, and often cured the disease for local farmers for free.

At the end of 1970, he became the barefoot doctor of the Yongfeng Brigade of the Yuanzhu Ri Commune of Changde Lin County, and since then, he started the road of rural doctors for 9 years.

In the past nine years, Yuan Changjin was committed to running a brigade cooperative medical station, undertook the diagnosis and treatment tasks of more than 1,000 villagers, and insisted on reading 3 hours a night. He also often learned to recognize and collect medicines from local medicine farmers, and personally planted more than 30 acres of Chinese herbal medicine, including Zexie, Chrysanthemum, Eucommia, and Huang Bai.

For the treatment of common diseases in rural areas, he has become more and more experienced, and has given full play to the director of Chinese medicine. He has cured many patients with influenza, pneumonia, influx, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, urinary stones, and brainwind. He has also won honors such as "Model Barefoot Doctors" and "Excellent Knowledge Young" many times.

Having noble medical ethics, one dollar cured high mortality infectious disease

In 1978, Yuan Changjin became a clinician at Lintong County Blood Defense Hospital.

That year, the country issued a policy to decide to select Chinese medicine personnel with genuine talents and practical learning from collective ownership and civilian medicine scattered in urban and rural areas to enrich the teaching, scientific research and medical institutions of Chinese medicine. Yuan Changjin has long been self -study and compiled the teaching materials of the Chinese Medicine University and reads the "Four Classics". Therefore, he stood out in the preliminary test and re -examination. But he insisted on staying in a grass -roots hospital.

The following year, Yuan Changjin was transferred to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People's Hospital of Lintong County. It is here that his medical skills are more advanced, cured many difficult and severe illnesses, and left a story of "1 yuan cure high mortality infectious disease".

In 1982, the People's Hospital of Lintong County had treated several epidemic hemorrhagic patients, and the mortality rate of this disease was quite high. One of the male patients had renal failure, without urinating for a few days. After the consultation of Yuan Changjin, he immediately prescribed two -flavored medicines for rhubarb and licorice, and magnesium sulfate and fried intestinal enema. Only 2 doses turned the patients to be in danger, becoming the only survivor among patients with epidemic bleeding fever hospitalized during the same period. These medicines only needed 1 yuan at the time.

"Emphasis on the effect of being light and lighter" is the principle of medical practice that Yuan Changjin has always adhered to. The traditional Chinese medicine he prescribed for patients is common parity medicinal materials. He often said: "Creating the most tricky disease with the cheapest medicine is the biggest gratification of a doctor."

Yuan Changjin always considered the patient that when his registration fee allowed to hang to 100 yuan, he insisted on using a standard of 50 yuan. A few years ago, it was allowed to be hung up to 300 yuan, but he has always adhered to the 100 yuan standard.

Cloud consultation, cure new patients at home and abroad across the air

"Traditional Chinese medicine treats epidemic diseases, especially acute virus infectious diseases." As a loyal inheritor of Chinese medicine, Yuan Changjin has always believed.

At the end of January 2020, Mr. Tang in Wuhan, Hubei infected with new crown pneumonia, and a student of Yuan Changjin, the director of the Department of Respiratory Department of Hunan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was responsible for the treatment of the patient.

After the video consultation, Peng Sujuan asked the teacher Yuan Changjin to guide the teacher, and set up Yuan Changjin's self -proposed experience Fang Fang "Chaihu Qiang Pu Tang".

After taking Chinese medicine on Mr. Tang, on the 4th day, the fever was retreated; on the 7th day, the cough and shortness of breath were greatly improved; on the 12th day, the lung CT showed that the inflammation was being absorbed; after one month, the nucleic acid testing was negative for 4 consecutive times, and the patient recovered Healthy. In addition to guiding the students, Yuan Changjin also passed the "Cloud diagnosis and treatment" to cure two new crown pneumonia patients in the United States and Italy. To this end, the Hunan Red Cross association awarded its title of "Love Ambassador".

In fact, as early as the "SARS" period in 2003, Yuan Changjin published dozens of academic papers on the prevention and treatment of Chinese medicine in various types of traditional Chinese medicine newspapers in various types of Chinese medicine newspapers at the grassroots level. The scientific research results of the Chinese Medicine's "SARS" led by him were awarded the provincial and ministerial rewards; he served as the "Modern Chinese Medicine Epicology" published by the editor -in -chief, and won the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2020. Wait.

Keeping Zhengzheng innovation, exploring pure Chinese medicine to overcome the incurable illness

In Yuan Changjin's view, it is not only necessary to read more classics, but more importantly, but more importantly, in clinical practice, you must realize your exploration.

According to the classics of traditional Chinese medicine such as "Yellow Emperor's Canon" and "Treatise on Treatment of Febrile", he combined his rich clinical experience and believed that "the overall concept and the game of righteousness and evil" are the basic concepts of Chinese medicine to understand the disease; "It is expensive and people -oriented" is the basic rule of treating diseases.

From these basic ideas, he has continuously explored effective prescriptions for the severe treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. He has explored some new ideas and effective chronic kidney disease, connective tissue disease, metabolic diseases, liver cirrhosis, etc. New prescription.

At present, at least 20 % of Yuan Changjin's daily outpatient patients are cancer patients, because many people reflect that he has a good effect and less side effects in treating cancer, and has formed a word of mouth effect over time.

In 2014, Ms. Changde Liao went to Changsha for symptoms such as cough and hemoptysis. Several large hospitals were diagnosed with lung cancer in the middle and late stages of lung cancer. Later, she found Yuan Changjin through a friend introduction. After about 4 months of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, Ms. Liao's condition improved significantly, and the symptoms of hemoptysis disappeared. After half a year of medication, the condition was stable and had been working normally.

Mr. Chen of Shaoyang was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2009. He was diagnosed with lung metastasis cancer the second year after surgery, and his body was extremely weak. Mr. Chen was reluctant to surgery and chemotherapy, and Mu Ming found Yuan Changjin. Yuan Changjin mainly focuses on the soup medicines of righteousness and removing evils, removing stasis and dissemination, and self -made "Shengsheng Pills Pills". The long -term syndrome differentiation and subtraction treatment is carried out. Today, Mr. Chen's condition is completely controlled, and work and life are as ordinary people.

Chuan preaching, leaving the heart to bring out the provincial famous Chinese medicine medicine

From 1982, he went to Lintong County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for medical teachings. By 2006, he was used as the fourth and fifth batch of national traditional Chinese medicine expert academic experience in Hunan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Confuse.

He advocates "Chuan He Ji Jian" academic methods. The situation of each patient's treatment and the prescriptions he prescribed in each patient completely recorded and archived, which is his habit that has been unchanged for many years. He believes that this can not only provide a reference for patients to seek medical treatment again, but also provide reliable materials and basis for future summaries. In the past 10 years of retirement, there have been more than 150 books and nearly 10 million words in such a diagnosis and treatment record.

Yuan Changjin used these diagnosis and treatment records to explain the clinical examples as students, analyze the science, law, prescriptions, medicines and their own academic experience of Chinese medicine, which has inspired students and harvested a lot. There are also more and more learners who have followed Yuan Changjin in the province. Among them, there are not only Chinese medicine physicians, but also tumors, skin, needle push, pain, rehabilitation and other specialty and Western medicine. Especially in recent years, about 30 medical technical backbones that have obtained high -level and deputy senior titles have also come to worship, and the clinics have been copied. Three of them have been awarded Hunan Province famous Chinese medicine medicine.

In addition to teaching work, Yuan Changjin also devoted his energy to other areas related to Chinese medicine education. He often teaches "Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics and Clinical" in various academic conferences and seminars. There are 6 games in 2020. In 2009 and 2013, "Yuan Changjin Talking Frequently Disease Prevention and Treatment Experience experience" and "China Traditional Chinese Medicine News" The two columns of the "Yuan Changjin Certificate Certificate" were published in dozens of articles; the editor -in -chief of the Chinese science and technology journal "Traditional Chinese Medicine Herald", more than 1,000 papers during 10 years; publicly published a large number of academic papers, published 7 academic monographs. In 1998, at the International Rural and Community Health Exchange Conference held in Brazil, Yuan Changjin was sent by the state to give a keynote speech by the state to give a keynote speech on "The role of Chinese medicine in rural and community health in China", which was praised. (Hunan Daily Correspondent Tao Yanhe He Ke All Media Reporter Zhang Chunxiang)

[Responsible editor: Wang Yaobing Intern: Yang Shuwen]

[Source: Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client]

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