Yan Xiaozhong: "Thunder Soldier" of the outpost of the "epidemic" outpost

Author:Minqin County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.07.22

The sound of phone calls and keyboards has risen ... The office area of ​​the Land Qin County Streaming Source Group in the middle of the night is still brightly lit, and the staff is on telephone access, online judgment, and reviewing data. When he saw Yan Xiaozhong, he was checking a newly completed flow report to ensure that there were no loopholes. Due to the long -term work, he was slightly fatigue and pressed the temple from time to time to keep himself sober.

Yan Xiaozhong and his colleagues sorted out analysis and flow reporting reports from Xue Hui

Flow traceability is the key to blocking the chain of epidemic transmission. As the leader of the flow traceability group, Yan Xiaozhong, who had 25 years of party age, did not dare to care. He was so large that he was in the audit team and made emergency response work.他时刻提醒自己,流调溯源工作快一分,疫情扩散风险就少一分,为了让每一条流调信息都扎实可靠、迅速有效,他带领同事们科学高效开展流调溯源工作,密切配合相关The department investigates a large amount of information to identify a large amount of information, carefully sort out and analyze massive data, draws cocoon and trace the source, and forms a solid and reliable flow report.

"I am deeply responsible for this position. Streaming and traceability work is an important part of the entire epidemic prevention and control work. Any omissions may cause the epidemic. Many people, in order to block the spread of the virus, we scrambled against time. All staff can be able to get off work at 12 pm. Essence

The staff of the Diqin County Stream Turning Source Group overtime to carry out streaming work, Xue Hui Photo

Coffee, instant noodles, eye drops ... These things are always prepared on the tables and bags of the streaming working group. Here, no commute, many people eat and live in the unit. The red eyes, the hot phone in the ears, the computer that runs day and night ... stick to the day and night, wear the stars and the moon, and do their best to trace the source of the flow, but they swallow the bitterness and accumulation of interest rates, step on the difficulties at the feet, and strive for the cloid. War of war and protection.

"We all protect the safety and physical health of the people in the county in a special way. Although tired, I think that as a Communist Party member, it is our inconsistent responsibility to be able to do its best for the prevention and control of the epidemic." Yan Xiaozhong said firmly.

Yan Xiaozhong's wife is also busy preventing and controlling the front line. They can't take care of the two children at home, as well as the 80 -year -old mother who has been sick for many years. He was a little guilty about Xiaojia, but in this "epidemic", too many people needed to charge, and they needed to protect more "family members" with responsibilities and responsibility.

"For more than 4 months, he hasn't resting for a day. He eats and lives in the flow traceability group. As long as he receives a letter of letter, the report of the viewing, and the bayonet push information, he quickly organizes the personnel to immediately carry out the streaming work. Each link is He all personally did it. With his actual actions, he demonstrated the responsibility and responsibility of health workers in the new era. "Speaking of Yan Xiaozhong, Ye Xia, cadre of Minqin County Disease Prevention and Control Center, praised.

The simple single beds, busy figures one by one, and the bright party flag on the wall make people deeply moved and burst into tears ... Yan Xiaozhong and colleagues adhere to their posts, selfless dedication, With a faster, accurate, and efficient streaming traceability work, we will lay a solid foundation for the response to the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, and practice the mission of a Communist Party member!

Reporter: Liang Xia Xue Hui

Edit: Li Luwen

Editor in charge: Chen Dacheng

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