The basic situation of the new cases of Chengdu in Chengdu | July 22 press conference

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.22

Cover reporter Yang Jin Zhu Chen Guangxu

On July 22, the Press Office of the Chengdu Municipal People's Government held a press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic, and reported the latest situation of the new crown pneumonia.

At the meeting, Yang Xiaoguang, deputy secretary -general of the Chengdu Municipal Government and director of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, reported that as of 14:00 on July 22, there were 46 cases of new crown pneumonia in the epidemic, and 15 were asymptomatic infected. At 00-14 on July 22, there were 3 new local diagnosis cases in our city, and 2 cases of natives of infected infected were found in close contacts in isolation control.

The basic situation of new cases is as follows:

Case 57: Living in China Electric Jianyun Cube District, Longquan District, is a close contact with the case 49, and diagnosed as a symptom infected with local natives.

Case 58: Live in the Liming Community, Longquanyi District, a close contact with the case of 49 cases, diagnosed as a local diagnosis.

Case 59: Living in the blue sky community in Longquanyi District, the close contact with the case 49, diagnosed as a local diagnosis.

Case 60: Living in Wuxing Jiayuan Community, Longquanyi District, a close contact with the case of 49 cases, diagnosed as a symptom infected in the local area.

Case 61: Living in the E1 district of Yipei New City Community, Longquan District, the close contact with the case 49 is diagnosed as a local diagnosis.

At present, all cases are isolated at the Municipal Public Health Clinical Medical Center, and the condition is stable. As of 14:00 today, the city has accumulated 7,688 close contacts in the city and 15,554 people who have close contacts. All of them have all implemented quarantine observation measures. All management and control personnel are detected as required.

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