Henan Wolong Tax: "Tax Experience" zero -distance experience tax support service

Author:Nanyang Radio and Television I Time:2022.06.15

Recently, the Taxation Bureau of Nanyang Wolong District, Henan invited the leaders of the People's Bank of China, finance and other relevant departments of relevant people's banks, finance and other relevant departments in the taxation hall to experience tax refund to handle the "operation system" and "in -depth front -line experience office. "," Enter the hall to accompany the office "and other methods, consciously accept social supervision, take the initiative to listen to opinions and suggestions, fully protect the taxpayer's right to tax, the right to participate and supervision, and help the combined tax and fees support policy. Followed out.

"I personally experienced the entire tax refund process. I only felt that it was very convenient to handle the business. I did not expect that the tax bureau was reinforced by the tax bureau to strengthen the data management, simplified the review verification, and the taxpayer was calm. Enjoy the quick and regulatory work for our background tax personnel. "Liu Ke, Chief of the Financial Bureau of Wolong District, experienced the entire tax refund application process. With the continuous improvement of the information construction of the tax system, the "non -contact" taxation model such as self -service taxation, online taxation, "handling" taxation, and "interrogation", etc. Do your handle efficiency.

"The State Treasury department is the last part of the tax refund. Today, I saw that the taxation department was not bad online to approve tax refund for many taxpayers in front of massive data. The Chief of the People's Bank of China also experienced it. "In order to better support the development of small and micro enterprises, our bank and the tax department have conducted many detailed exchanges to actively help small and micro enterprises to obtain maximum tax dividends."

In the tax service hall of Wolong District, five representatives were invited to transform into a "tax experienceist" to conduct a "six tax and two fees" retreat full process operation experience under the guidance of the staff. The "exemption is to enjoy" method of 52,000 yuan in batches. In the next step, the Taxation Bureau of Wolong District will continuously improve the work mechanism of the "tax experienceist", and widely listen to the experience and suggestions of the experiencer's experience of the experience taxes and fees, in -depth findings in the shortcomings of tax management services, and effectively solve the taxpayer and the payer the most. Care, the most direct and most realistic blocking point, pain point, and difficulty, make every effort to create smart tax services, continue to optimize the tax business environment, and further enhance taxpayers' full clothes and sense of gain. (Zheng Ying Chen Li)

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