awesome!Human resources service agencies have made positive progress in employment and employment actions

Author:Human Resources and Social Sec Time:2022.07.22

On July 22, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a press conference in the second quarter of 2022 to introduce the progress of human resources and social security in the first half of the year.

Reporter of Workers Daily:

Recently, the deployment of human resources service agencies has stabilized employment and employment operations. What progress has been achieved?

Human Resources and Social Security Department

Zhang Wenmiao, director of the Department of Human Resources Macro Management:

Human resources service agencies are important support for market -oriented employment. At present, there are 54,000 operating human resources service agencies in my country. In recent years, various human resources service agencies have promoted development around employment plans, optimized service supply, and promoted supply and demand docking. Especially since this year, human resources service agencies have actively played their functions, helped to stabilize employment insurance employment, and made positive progress.

The first is to launch a series of market -oriented employment services. Carry out activities such as "100 -day online recruitment industrial parks" and "national employment action". At present, a total of 15,000 companies have provided 890,000 jobs and received 5.11 million job seekers' resumes.

The second is to ensure employment in key areas. Establish a human resources service supply and demand docking platform, organize human resources service agencies to carry out flexible and diverse employment support support, and help enterprises to resume work and production.

The third is to effectively serve the prevention and control of the epidemic. Organize various service agencies through cross -regional deployment and directional recruitment to transport a large number of workers such as vaccine R & D and production, square cabin hospital construction, nucleic acid testing, and material distribution, and provide strong support for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Recently, we have deployed to carry out the employment and employment actions of human resources service agencies, organize and guide more human resources service agencies, use the advantages of matching supply and demand, professional and efficient advantages, and further expand the supply of market -oriented employment services. Mainly increase work in seven aspects:

The first is to carry out job job recruitment services on a large scale. Use 20,000 recruitment websites and 49,000 fixed recruitment places, and increase service strength and frequency of recruitment through online and offline combination and cross -regional collaboration.

The second is to promote the employment of college graduates, carry out a series of special activities, and recommend high -quality employment and diversified employment services for college graduates.

The third is to actively help migrant workers to stabilize employment and encourage human resources service agencies to help migrant workers go out to work and employment.

Fourth, focus on ensuring employment in key areas. Focus on key areas, key enterprises, and key projects such as manufacturing and service industries, and build a platform for human resources service supply and demand docking platforms to help solve problems such as recruitment and difficulties.

Fifth, innovative development of flexible service service. Support human resources service agencies to innovate services such as lack of labor and outsourcing for outsourcing, and expanding employment channels.

Sixth, actively support the development of human resource service agencies, increase the implementation of various policies for benefiting enterprises and the people, and help human resources service agencies to develop better.

Seventh, to strengthen the monitoring of information on the supply and demand of the human resources market, and provide reference for employees for employment and employers to recruit employers.

At the same time, in conjunction with the relevant departments, we will continue to carry out the actions such as the cleanup and rectification of the human resources market order, optimize the employment environment, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

After the notice was issued, various human resources service agencies actively carried out service activities such as job search, labor employment and other service activities combining online and offline in accordance with key groups and key areas. All localities are also increasing organizational and publicity, actively implement relevant policy incentives, and widely mobilize various forces such as human resources service agencies, human resources service industrial parks, and human resources service industry associations, and strive to form the industry to care about employment, participate in employment, and employment, and employment, and employment, and employment, and employment, and employment. Support the good atmosphere of employment, and contribute to the stability of employment and economic and social development.

Source: China Net

Editor in this issue: Wang Yao

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