Oriental Garden: He Qiao Nu has been frozen for about 580 million shares

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.22

Every time AI News, Oriental Garden (SZ 002310, closing price: 2.63 yuan) issued an announcement on the evening of July 22 that as of July 20, 2022, Ms. He Qiao held a total of about 580 million shares of the company, occupying the company, accounting for the company The total amount of total shares was 21.59%, and the cumulative number of shares held by the company held by the company was about 580 million shares, accounting for 100%of its total number of shares in the company, accounting for 21.59%of the company's total share capital.

From January to December 2021, the operating income of Oriental Gardens was: 64.57%of environmental protection business, 32.56%of garden construction, 1.26%of garden design, 0.61%of seedlings sales, and 0.07%of product sales.

The chairman of the Oriental Garden is Mu Yingjie, female, 50 years old, with a master's degree in education; the president is Liu Xiaofeng, male, 44 years old, and his academic background is a PhD.

As of press time, the market value of Oriental Garden is 7.1 billion yuan.

Daeda1997 "Single Stock Trends" reminder:

1. In the past 30 days, Oriental Gardens have increased the shareholding volume of northbound capital of 8.7949 million, accounting for 0.35%of the proportion of circulating shares;

2. In the past 30 days, there was no mechanism to investigate Oriental Gardens.

For more stock trend information, please search for the WeChat public account "Daida", reply "Query", and receive free query permissions!

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(Reporter Zeng Jianhui)

Disclaimer: The content and data of this article are for reference only, and do not constitute investment suggestions. Please verify before use. Based on this, the risk is on its own.

Daily Economic News

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