Several Chinese | In the second quarter, these occupations across the country were "the most lacking work"

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.22

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 22 (Reporter Jiang Lin) The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released the 100th professional rankings of the "most lack of work" in the second quarter of 2022 in the second quarter of 2022. Among them, marketers, courier, car workers, commodity salespersons, marketing professionals, restaurant waiters, security guards, housekeeping waiters, electronic product models, cleaners and other occupations ranked among the top ten.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, compared with the first quarter of 2022, the number of recruitment demand and the number of job seekers in this issue continued to rise. This reflects from one side. With the improvement of the situation in May and June, the economy has gradually recovered, and the recruitment of market supply and demand has also recovered.

The lack of work in the manufacturing industry is continuous, and the lack of work in the electronic information industry is relatively prominent. Integrated circuit engineering and technical personnel, semiconductor chip manufacturing, electronic instrument and electronic measurement engineering and technical personnel, new rankings, semiconductor separate devices and integrated circuit installations, computer network engineering technicians lack engineering degree, electronic product version workman Enter the top ten.

The ranking is formed by the China Employment Training Technology Guidance Center to monitor 102 fixed points to monitor urban public employment service agencies, and collect information on the recruitment and job search demand for professional position information in the second quarter of the second quarter. For details, you can query the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs.

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