British media: The price of natural gas in the United States has increased sharply "inflation drops rapidly" and hopes to shatter

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.07.22

Data map: a natural gas power plant in California.

Overseas Network, July 22nd. On the 21st, the website of the British "Guardian" published an article entitled "U.S. natural gas prices rising, inflation decreased hopes to be suppressed", indicating that the high price of natural gas increases a lot of other product costs. The hope of ending soon.

The article said that millions of Americans turned on the air conditioner in the summer heat waves. As consumers used a large amount of electricity, the aging grid faced tremendous pressure. The heat waves are expected to last until August. During the period, the electricity load or the price of natural gas and coal again will be pushed again, which may cause the hope of inflation to end quickly. In the past month, the price of natural gas in the United States has risen nearly half. Natural gas futures prices have also risen 48%this month, rising by 10%on the 20th.

The article quoted the "Wall Street Journal" reported on the 21st that the rise in natural gas prices caused rising prices of products such as chemical fertilizers, steel, cement, plastic and glass, and the direct increase in power production costs. Due to the drought in the western United States, the amount of hydropower in some states is estimated to be halved, and the use of electricity will push the electricity price again. Some US power companies warn that electricity prices this summer may be 25%higher than last year. (Overseas Network Hou Xingchuan)

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