On Saturday, Kuka Hebei Museum, appreciate the charm of Baoding non -heritage cultural charm

Author:Great Wall Time:2022.07.23

Great Wall Network · Jiyun Client (Reporter Wang Xuan) In 2022, the "Lexiang Hebei African Heritage Living Room" series of activities- "Ancient City Yayun" Baoding Special Anti -Heritage Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition will be displayed, which will be on July 23 (Saturday). Hosted at the Hebei Museum. The event was hosted by the Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and hosted by the Hebei Provincial Mass Art Museum (Hebei Province's Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center), Hebei Museum, Baoding Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, etc. "Ancient City Yayun" Baoding's non -heritage exhibition, exhibition of non -genetic inheritors, and the experience of non -heritage projects.

Event poster.

Baoding Master Huatianbao, a personality, gave birth to a wealth of intangible cultural heritage. This event selected the national and provincial traditional music, traditional drama, music, traditional art, and technical non -heritage projects of the national and provincial levels of Baoding City. Visit the card on the spot!

Activity planning

Location: Fifth and 6th Exhibition Hall on the first floor of Hebei Museum

1. "Ancient City Yayun" Baoding non -heritage exhibition

In the second game, from 14: 00-15: 00 on the pm on July 23


Haojia blowing song "Hundred Bird Chao Phoenix"

The opera singing: Baoding Old Tune "Pan Yang Litigation" selection section of "Feng Zhan Taijun", Xun Pai Peking Opera "Burning Mian Mountain" selection section, and the selection of "Prince Gordon" in the newly -pruning drama "Jinsha River"

Tao Yan Performing "Acacia Song"

Evaluation of "Babao Cai Cai Legend"

Wangpai Xihe Drum "On the Rules"

Guqin Performing "Yangguan Three Stacks"

Baoding folk song minor tone: Fu civilian song "Cut the Flower", Bo Ye folk song "Little Watch"

2. Show of non -genetic inheritors

Content: Ding porcelain firing technique, Dingxingjing embroidery, Baoding iron ball production skills, Baoding Masaki stone pottery firing skills, Yixian rope knot woven skills

Third, non -heritage project experience

Content: Qingyuan traditional incense skills, Baoding Xiao's face plastic

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