Scripture headlines | Disassembling Shandong Economic Semi -annual report: upward chassis, kinetic energy, and determination

Author:Kuiwen Published Time:2022.07.23

On July 15, the National Bureau of Statistics released the national economic operation in the first half of the year, and the first half of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in the first half of the year of GDP growth was listed simultaneously.

In this form, Shandong Province has attracted widespread attention from the outside world -GDP in the first half of the year increased by 3.6%year -on -year. This is not only higher than the national GDP of 2.5%year -on -year. In the eastern coastal provinces, this growth rate is also among the best.

On July 19, Shandong Province held a press conference to publish various economic data in the first half of the year. Cui Jianhai, Deputy Secretary -General of the Shandong Provincial Government and a spokesman for the provincial government, said: "The province's economic operations quickly stabilized after a short -term fluctuation, and continued to recover and accelerate the rise in the first half of the year.

As the third province in the country's GDP, in the first half of this year, the total GDP of Shandong Province accounted for about 7.4%(2021 annual proportion of 7.3%). When China focuses on stabilizing the economic market, Shandong's economic performance has made it a strong upward pulling force. Where does this force come from when the epidemic is more exuded and the downward pressure on the economy continues to increase?

Anti -pressure on private investment

On July 21, the Ningde Times (300750) issued an announcement saying that the company intends to invest in the construction of Jining New Energy Battery Industry Base Project in Jining City, Shandong Province. The total investment of the project does not exceed RMB 14 billion. production line. This is another super project signed in Shandong.

An official of the Promotion Division of the major project of Jining Investment Promotion Bureau stated that this time the Ningde Times invested in the construction of a new energy battery project in Jining, Shandong, one is because the local industrial categories are complete and can provide comprehensive supporting support; the second is because Jining has new energy batteries. Industrial foundation.

At present, the energy storage equipment industry chain of Jining City has 32 upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, forming an industrial cluster represented by energy storage battery production enterprises such as Shengyang Power and Zhongbei Runliang. The annual capacity of power lithium batteries is about 1.5GWh.

Zhang Feng, deputy director of the development of the new energy industry cluster development of Jining City, said that in 2022, 46 companies in Jining New Energy Special Class have implemented 45 projects, including 22 technical reform projects, 6 new projects, and foreign cooperation 2 projects, 9 scientific and technological research and development projects, and 6 digital transformation projects, with a total investment of 8.028 billion yuan, and a planned investment of 2.02 billion yuan in that year.

The investment of 14 billion yuan in Ningde Times was a major promotion of the new energy vehicle industry in Jining and even Shandong. On July 21, the Ningde Times signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Shandong Provincial Government in Jinan, and signed an investment agreement with the Jining Municipal Government and an investment agreement for power exchange networks. According to the agreement, all parties will focus on organic integration and development of green energy and green manufacturing, vigorously develop new energy industries such as new energy batteries and materials, power replacement and energy storage applications, actively attract and cultivate upstream and downstream supporting industries, and promote new energy vehicles.

The key to steady growth is to invest in stable. Before the Ningde Times project, a number of emerging industrial projects such as BYD, Foxconn and BOE recently invested in Shandong.

These investment projects continue to stabilize the chassis of Shandong economy. In the first half of this year, Shandong's investment in fixed assets increased by 7.5%year -on -year, higher than the national growth rate of 1.4 percentage points. Among them, the private investment in Shandong Province increased by 6.6%year -on -year, with a national growth rate of 3.5%. In fact, from January to April, private investment in Shandong Province increased by 9.9%year-on-year, which was 1.2 percentage points higher than the growth rate of all investment. Although the growth rate of private investment has slowed down, basically has maintained synchronization with the overall growth rate.

Facing the economic downturn, private investment reflects strong anti -pressure, and plays the role of leaders in some areas. Shandong is a large manufacturing province. In the first half of the year, private investment in the manufacturing industry increased by 17.3%, higher than all manufacturing investment 0.6 percentage points.

It is these investment in a new pattern of Shandong's economy. On May 16 this year, Shandong Longhua Polymer Materials Co., Ltd. 1.08 million tons/year PA66 project started construction and construction in Gaqing County Chemical Industry Park in Zibo City. The project has an annual output of 1.08 million tons of nylon 66 project, with a total investment of 7.3 billion yuan. After all put into operation, Zibo will become the largest nylon 66 production base in the country. According to Han Zhigang, chairman of Shandong Longhua New Materials Co., Ltd., PA66, as a thermoplastic resin, has outstanding product performance and a wide range of applications. Longhua Gao Materials and Tianchen Qixiang reached a strategic cooperation. The total investment of the project was 7.3 billion yuan, covering an area of ​​1,800 acres, and an investment of 2 billion yuan in the first phase. After all, the annual output value is expected to be 24.8 billion yuan and the profit and tax is 2.8 billion yuan, and more than 600 employment will be resolved.

Shandong Tianyue Advanced Technology Co., Ltd. is a high -tech enterprise in R & D and production of third -generation silicon -based silicon substrate (current mainstream chip materials). As early as the third -generation semiconductor technology in 2010, Tianyue's advanced was involved in it. For more than ten years, Tianyue's advanced investment in technology research and development has invested hundreds of millions of yuan. In 2012, it broke through 2 inch silicon carbide technology, produced 4 inch silicon carbide technology in 2015, and broke through 6 -inch silicon carbide technology in 2019 ...

In 2017, Sino -US trade suddenly friction, and chips and related materials were included in the embargo. In December 2018, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed for the first time to strengthen the construction of 5G base stations, UHV, intercity high -speed rail and urban rail transit, new energy vehicle charging piles, big data centers, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet. The seven "new infrastructure" has a common needs to intersection -chip. Tianyue Advanced market segment (mainly applied to 5G communications) has accounted for 30 % of the global market in the semi -insulation silicon substrate, but in the face of a sharp market demand, it is still in short supply. The phenomenon of the pot. On January 12, 2022, Tianyue's advanced successfully landed on the science and technology board, and the net fund raised funds were 3.2 billion yuan to expand production capacity and R & D technology to meet the surging market demand.

Rongchang Biopharmaceutical (Yantai) Co., Ltd. is a high -tech enterprise with two innovative drugs with Thai Sippi and Vidici. Wang Weidong, chairman of the company, insisted that "Rongchang creatures only do innovative medicines and do not do generic drugs." The two innovative drug research and development investment cycles are long. The first model has been pushed to the market for 13 years, and the second model is 11 years. In August 2021, Rongchang Biological and Seattle Fund Company reached an exclusive license agreement on Vidico Monsorship. The contract amount exceeded 2.6 billion US dollars. The highest record of overseas authorization.

The "new" force of the top ten industries

From July 13th to 15th, Shandong Province held a "five -year breakthrough" key project to observe on the spot. The event chose the three coastal cities of Qingdao, Yantai, and Weihai, and visited a group of key industrial projects and major new infrastructure projects that have been built since 2021.

On the morning of July 14, the observation group witnessed and announced the official construction of China's major energy project, the National Electric Power Haiyang Nuclear Power Phase II project.

The Haiyang Nuclear Power Project is the first nuclear power plant in Shandong to start construction and operation, and plans to build 6 million kilowatt -class nuclear power units. The two units of the first phase of the project are the national three -generation nuclear power independent reliance project. Since January 2019, it has accumulated a total of over 74.6 billion kWh.

The second phase of the Haiyang Nuclear Power uses independent design and domestic CAP1000 technology to build two units with a rated capacity of 1.253 million kilowatts to meet the highest international security standards. The design operation of the power station is 60 years. According to estimates, after the second phase of the project is completed and put into operation, the Haiyang Nuclear Power Base will have four units to run, with an annual power generation of about 40 billion kWh, which can meet the demand for more than 510 million people in the demand for living electricity for more than 510 million people.

On the same day, Haiyang Nuclear Power 900MW long -distance cross -regional nuclear heating project was launched at the same time. At 00:00 on April 1 this year, the "Nuclear Nuclear No. 1" Haiyang nuclear power nuclear heating project successfully completed the first heating season heating task, with a heating area of ​​nearly 5 million square meters. Haiyang became the first "zero carbon" heating city in the country.

Right now, Shandong is accelerating the construction of nuclear power groups such as Haiyang and Rongcheng, and building a tens of millions of kilowatts of nuclear power bases in the Jiaodong Peninsula. By 2030, the province's nuclear power installed capacity will exceed 13 million kilowatts, and the annual cleaning electricity energy will be above 91 billion kilowatt -hours. This will greatly promote the alternation of the new and old energy industry of this traditional energy consumption province, helping the realization of the "double carbon" goal. "In the first half of the year, the strong rebound of GDP was because Shandong quickly got rid of the epidemic in a short period of time, and the economy returned to the development track. On the other hand, this is the result of the reference effect of the new and old kinetic energy conversion of Shandong." From the perspective of Liu Dejun, the director of the Institute of Strategic Planning of the Macroeconomic Research Institute, Shandong is also in the macroeconomic cycle while bringing a unique economic reform cycle.

In 2018, Shandong was approved to become the only new and old kinetic energy conversion comprehensive test zone in the country. This economic volume, industrial structure, and geographical location can be regarded as the province of China's economy, and since then, it has assumed the historical mission of exploring the road of economic transformation.

According to the overall planning of the new and old kinetic energy conversion comprehensive pilot zone in Shandong Province, the conversion of new and old kinetic energy should be "comprehensive in one year, effective results in three years, breakthroughs in five years, and ten years of shaping."

This year is the year of breakthroughs in 5 years. This is what Liu Dejun refers to the economic reform cycle.

This reform is related to the difficult transformation of a large manufacturing province. The focus of reform is the traditional industrial field. Perhaps from the "growth rate of industrial added value above designated size", it can reflect the trajectory of reform.

In 2017, the added value of industries above the scale of Shandong increased by 6.9%year -on -year, with a national average of 6.6%. Since 2018, Shandong has made major strategic deployments to implement new and old kinetic energy conversion. First, it eliminates the old kinetic energy to make a room for development for new kinetic energy.

This is a painful process. As of 2021, Shandong has shut down more than 110,000 companies in "scattered dirty" enterprises. The actual reduction of coal consumption is more than 100 million tons, and steel production capacity is 1/10 nationwide. Close more than 1,500 chemical companies.

In 2018, the year -on -year growth rate of industrial added value in Shandong Province fell to 5.2%, which was 1 percentage point lower than the national average. In 2019, the reform continued and the pain was intensified, and the Shandong economy "green and yellow is not connected" in the rapid turn. This indicator dropped sharply to 1.2%of extremely rare, lower than 4.5 percentage points across the country.

While eliminating the old kinetic energy, Shandong began to establish a "top ten industrial clusters" including the new generation of information technology industry, high -end equipment industry, new energy industry, and new material industry based on its own advantages and development directions to promote the "four new" economic development. Explore the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. In 2020, Shandong gradually came out of the pain period. From the perspective of "the growth rate of industrial added value above designated size", statistics considering the cause of the new crown pneumonia. In 2020 and 2021, the average value of Shandong was 7.3%, 6.1%nationwide, and Shandong in Shandong. Re -the leading position with 1.2%advantage.

In the first half of 2022, this indicator in Shandong was 4.8%, which was 1.4 percentage points higher than the country. Shandong's leading national average advantage has been further expanded.

After the announcement of economic data in the first half of this year, some analysts believe that Shandong's economy can stabilize earlier, and the growth rate is faster than other eastern provinces and regions, because of factors such as the price increase of commodities. However, Liu Dejun believes that although Shandong's growth in the first half of the year has benefited from the rise in commodity prices such as steel, coal, and cement, this is more about the effectiveness of the reform of the new and old kinetic energy conversion reform. He said that when the macro economy fell, the Shandong economy came out of the pain period during the reform cycle and was entering the upward range, partly offset the adverse effects of the macroeconomic cycle.

More than a dozen key projects observed this time include Qingdao's Hexkang Smart Industrial Park, AVIC Magnetic Material Industrial Park, Qingdao Microelectronics Industrial Park, etc., Shandong Nuclear Power Nuclear Heating, Wanhua Global R & D Center and polyurethane industrial chain Integrated, high -performance carbon fiber industrialization, etc. Among them, the largest Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Headquarters Base Project was completed and put into operation in Qingdao in January this year. It is divided into three parks: vehicle manufacturing, core parts, and key parts. More than 1/3 of the projects.

With the support of various policy environments, Shandong has become an important sector for many companies' strategic layout. These companies are not only domestic companies such as Ningde, BYD, and Beijing Automobile, but also many foreign companies. They are deeply embedded in the top ten industries to strengthen the industrial chain supply chain collaboration and achieve industrial iteration upgrades.

On April 11 this year, Magot, Germany announced to the public that investing 40 million euros to invest in new factories in Weihai, Shandong, becoming the second phase of the original project. With the rise of China's new energy vehicle industry, Macquett has won the project of Changchun Audi Electric New Platform System, which has made a third decision -making China investment and building a new plant.

Better Hold Olunz, general manager of Macquel Weihai Company, said that this is a system developed by Changchun Audi and the headquarters of Macques in Germany. The market is in China and customers in China, but the factories of Malgat in China cannot meet the new market demand.

The second phase of the project will cover the three major product series of new energy vehicle solutions, highly integrated intelligent systems, and driving authorization systems. The target customers include luxury car brands such as Porsche, Mercedes -Benz, Audi. Among them, Audi's new generation of high -end high -end electric vehicle platform battery management system products are produced in China for the first time. According to the plan, the new factory will be put into operation in December next year. After the production, the overall sales revenue is expected to achieve a sales revenue of 1 billion yuan, reaching nearly 2.6 billion yuan in 2028.

The top ten industries have enhanced the toughness of Shandong's economy. According to the data released by Shandong Province, in the first half of this year, the added value of high -tech manufacturing industry increased by 15.5%, an increase of 1.8 percentage points from the first quarter, and higher than the industrial added value of 10.7 percentage points. The overall 7.4 percentage point is higher, accounting for 53.4%of the total investment, an increase of 3.5 percentage points year -on -year; more than 20,000 national scientific and technological small and medium -sized enterprises in Shandong National Science and Technology -based SMEs increased by 43.7%year -on -year, an increase of nearly 14,000 over the first quarter.

Policy support

The anti -pressure on private investment and the "new" force of the top ten industries is behind the continuous policy support.

This support, first how to grasp the balance of scientific epidemic prevention and economic development. The epidemic impacts the real economy, "every stability is stable, and it is lost."

In mid -to -late March, the number of input cases in other provinces gradually increased. Fifteen in the 16 cities in Shandong have been found to have diagnosed patients one after another. As the epidemic became heavier, Jinan, Qingdao, Weifang, Yantai and other urban areas have a large area of ​​emergency control. For a while, the factory stops work, shops shutdown, bus shutdown ...

The epidemic rolling came again. In April, the growth rate of industrial added value above the Shandong scale dropped to -0.4%, a decrease of 6.2 percentage points from the previous month, the lowest point in the first half of the year. In April, Shandong's entire economy showed a sudden decline.

At the time of the worst epidemic in Shandong, the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee repeatedly emphasized that it has repeatedly emphasized that adherence to the planning of normalization of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Objective to impact on economic and social development.

Lu Wanming, deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, said that under the principles of both scientific and economic development and economic development, Shandong Innovation Implementation Defense Methods ("Based on the Out, Passing forward, Multiple Barries, Both Hands") and "5+1" Work deployment ("point control, deepen on the surface, strict source, resource guarantee, responsibility implementation" and "work overall"), strive to achieve the dynamics of social dynamics in the shortest period of time, and the stability of the province's economic stability recovers and recovers. provide assurance.

On May 5th, the whole province in Shandong realized a state of zero in the society, and the province was reduced to low -risk areas. As of May 12, all enterprises above the province's outbreaks were resumed. First of all, restart the economy must recover consumption. After May, Shandong gave full play to the advantages of the "double over 100 million" consumer market and the industrial foundation and strong self -circulation capabilities, fully implemented the "top ten expansion demand" actions, and measured many measures to promote consumer "combination fist".

Shandong issued 32 work measures of "Traditional Consumption Upgrade Action" and "Emerging Consumption Expansion Action", and held nearly 100 consumer activities such as "Huaxiang Shandong Consumption Year" and "Dual Shopping Festival", and issued a total of 860 million yuan in consumer vouchers. Among them, car consumer coupons were 470 million yuan, and the consumption consumption was 21.32 billion yuan; home appliance consumer coupons were 210 million yuan, and 1.49 billion yuan was driven; retail and catering consumer coupons were 180 million yuan, and consumption was 490 million yuan.

In the first half of the year, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Shandong were 1546.49 billion yuan, which basically returned to the same period last year. The pace of consumer file upgrade continued to accelerate, and retail sales of new energy vehicles and wearable smart devices above the limit increased by 184.4%and 84.9%, respectively.

On July 19, when summing up the economic operation in the first half of the year, Cui Jianhai, deputy secretary -general of the Shandong Provincial Government and a spokesman for the provincial government, will "always adhere to high -efficiency and coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development." factor.

Needless to say, the three -year epidemic, market entities, especially small and medium -sized enterprises, are facing many difficulties, and many companies are struggling. At this time, timely and in place policy support has become the key to protecting the market subject and keeping employment. In the first half of this year, Shandong continued to introduce a variety of bailout policies to rescue market entities as many as possible. As of July, Shandong has introduced four batch of high -quality development policies for "steady progress". Among them, 13 of the third batch of 22 policy lists are to help the enterprise rescue, and 12 of the fourth batch of 20 are focused on small, medium and micro enterprises, key people's livelihood industries, and increased the rescue efforts to help enterprises.

Jingyou Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. is a medium -sized enterprise in Zibo, which mainly operates the manufacturing and sales of photovoltaic equipment and components. In the first half of the year, due to the epidemic reasons, the upstream and downstream key customers stopped working to varying degrees, the market demand was shrinking, the price of raw materials rose sharply, the company's output and sales declined, the pressure on sales revenue increased, and the corporate capital turnover was difficult.

After learning about the development dilemma of the enterprise, after analysis and comparison of the local government departments, the enterprise can enjoy the preferential preferential of the VAT tax refund policy, and the tax refund application for the enterprise will be accepted, reviewed, and feedback as soon as possible. Cash flow is the lifeline of the enterprise. Liu Xingying, the legal representative of Zibo Jingyou Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd., said: "These more than 10 million tax refunds are the real 'true gold and silver' for our enterprises. ","

According to statistics, Shandong issued a series of four batch of policy lists such as helping enterprises to relieve and steadily grow, with cumulative tax refund, tax reduction, tax slowing, and fee reduction of 195.8 billion yuan.

Today's new investment may be the new momentum of tomorrow. Today's SMEs may grow into the industry leader tomorrow. From January to June, 1.279 million newly registered market entities in Shandong Province increased by 12.9%year-on-year. In the first half of the year, the import and export of private enterprises increased by 22.6%, accounting for 73.2%of the total import and export.

As of the end of June this year, there were 3.708 million small and micro enterprises in Shandong Province and 9.36 million households in individual industrial and commercial households, accounting for 94.3%of the total number of market entities.

At the press conference on July 19, when talking about the economic situation in the second half of the year, Cui Jianhai, deputy secretary -general of the Shandong Provincial Government and a spokesman for the provincial government, pointed out that Shandong still faces four major uncertainties: The uncertainty of the uncertainty, the uncertainty of the international environment is still increasing, and whether the problem of outstanding economic operation can effectively solve the uncertainty, the "row of bottom lines" (resolutely maintaining political security, food security, energy security, and industrial chain supply Whether chain security, financial security, safety production, ecological environment security, etc.) can be observed with uncertainty.

"The various indicators of economic development in Shandong in the first half of the year show that Shandong's economic development trend is more stable. This more stable development trend has both current efforts and accumulation. In the second half of the year, due to the influence of the epidemic and international situation, the short -term fluctuations in supply and demand still exist, but the fundamentals of strong economic resistance and toughness of Shandong will not change. The high -level openness and the bottom line of properly dealing with the epidemic situation will be newly improved in the quality of economic development in the second half of the year.

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