200 yuan for half a day!In 1998, the girl Zhengzhou was a monthly income of 15,000 companions

Author:Top news Time:2022.07.23

"Hello, is it a clinicist Xiaoxiao, do you need to accompany or take medicine?"

"If you are in this case, I can communicate with the doctor first to see what you want to do for the specific check. You can do it when you come ..."

The literal understanding of the clinic is a emerging occupation to help patients make an appointment, take numbers, help prescribe medicine and run legs, and also accompany the patient's waiting and examination. On July 21, when the reporter of the Dahe Daily · Yu Video met Xiaoxiao at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, she was constantly on the phone to deal with the receiving companion list one by one.

In fact, although the occupation companion is an emerging profession, it has also developed for two years. What made Xiaoxiao get angry again recently is her daily work that she posted on a short video platform. Because of his good face, Xiaoxiao and her career once again stood on the "cusp of the wind." "Are you just accompanied by the clinic? Are there any other services?" "Such a young girl does this, there must be other thoughts!" What attitude Xiaoxiao is holding on all parties in society? What is this profession currently developing? Come, let's walk into the daily life of the professional companion.

(Xiaoxiao is helping patients to queue up)

I have been a companion for half a year

The reason is to make up for the regret that you can't take care of your family

Xiaoxiao, 24, officially became a professional visitor in March 2022. Before forming a clinicist, Xiaoxiao was a teacher of a education and training institution. With the continuous tightening of Zhengzhou's management of teaching and training institutions, Xiaoxiao had the idea of ​​turning career, and she was inspired by the outside world. Driven by her heart, it took more than two months to get familiar with Zhengzhou's large and small and small. The hospital, including how to register, how to take medicine, how to do inspection, etc., and then officially started his career career.

In fact, Xiaoxiao chose to be a clinicist another more important reason because of her family. "Before I was sick, I couldn't get away from work, and my parents were not familiar with the hospital's process. I would not use the hospital's machine. I was struggling to take him to the hospital every time. Just help us. "Speaking of this, Xiaoxiao choked a little. She told reporters that after her grandfather left, she kept regrets in her heart and felt that she had not taken care of Grandpa at the time. "So, I hope to help the elderly go to the medical treatment, or help young people who are more busy to take care of their family now. This is the original intention of my wanting to be a companion."

The client said, "You replaced my husband"

When I first started to be a clinic, Xiaoxiao mainly used short video platforms to share some industry knowledge and work daily to attract customers. She told reporters that the demand for the clinic in Henan was still relatively large. "There are many patients in different places who come to Zhengzhou to see a doctor. In the face of large hospitals, they are very helpless. Some machines who pay the fee will not be used." Xiaoxiao said that at the beginning, she first shared on the short video platform to share the hospitals of various hospitals. Over time, many patients asked if they could help take medicine, register, etc., and gradually began their career.

Xiaoxiao received the first "companion list" to accompany a expectant mother who was in the third trimester to do a four -dimensional examination. Because the husband of this pregnant woman is a soldier, she can only go to the hospital to check itself in the early stage. But as the month gradually grew, he could no longer find Xiaoxiao after running before the hospital. After listening to the needs of pregnant women at that time, Xiaoxiao responded directly. "Later, we went to the provincial women and children, and I didn't let her move, and helped her handle various inspections. The sister said, I feel that I have replaced her husband." Xiaoxiao happily told reporters that it can help patients and let the patients let the patients and let the patients make it. They walked out of the hospital with a smile, and they wanted what they wanted most.

Facing doubts, brave voice

"The clinicist is not only a clinic, can you accompany everything?" "Fake the clinic, but dating!" ... In the short video released by Xiaoxiao, basically every comment will be commented. In the face of this, what kind of attitude Xiaoxiao holds?

"Actually I am very angry, and the clinicist is also a serious career. Why are there so many people who do not know about it?" Xiaoxiao said, when she saw these comments, she would feel sad And angry. "I have always insisted on doing what I want to do. My original intention is to develop this industry well. In the face of these questions, I just want to say that I hope you can first understand the origin of the industry, and then come back again Explanation. Adults have their own ability to think independently, and the Internet is not a place outside the law. Every word you say can take responsibility and do not slander casually. "

In addition to doubts about Xiaoxiao industry, many people also question Xiaoxiao's age. "There are a lot of people on the Internet that what do you know in 1998? Do you have social experience in 1998? I want to tell you that age is just a number. You must truly contact me and feel my personality charm. Judging me, not just looking at the number of 24 years old. "Xiaoxiao said, but even if others think she is young or what it doesn't matter," I am professional in this trip with the clinic, you can listen to me. "

Future goals: I want to be the first in Henan

In the face of the future, Xiaoxiao has a very clear goal: to be the first in the Henan companion industry. How to understand this "first"? In Xiaoxiao's opinion, when everyone thinks of Henan's accompanying consultation, they know that Xiaoxiao exists.

As an emerging industry, although the clinician ushered in a vigorous development, it is bound to face the problems brought by "barbaric growth". How long can Xiaoxiao, who is only 24 years old?

"Actually, I think the industry is staged, and everyone is trying and error." Xiaoxiao said that she did not know how many years can I do, but "I can do it for 5 years. Being able to do 10 years will definitely do 10 years. "Xiaoxiao said that she has her own ideas and plans for the industry, and hopes that through her own strength, the development of the industry is more systematic and standardized.

Today, Xiaoxiao's half -day price is about 200 yuan, and it is 300 yuan throughout the day. If it is bought on behalf of the drug, it is almost 100 yuan. Within two days, Xiaoxiao has already received 8 orders, and can get about 15,000 per month. Moreover, Xiaoxiao has developed a group of "little partners". He usually communicates what he encountered in the clinic, and will help each other to do business when you can't open it. "Can help others and let patients relax when they see a doctor. This is our greatest wish." Xiaoxiao said.

Reporter's note

The clinician still needs to be more professional, and the society should be more tolerant

In the opinion of reporters, because the industry in the industry is still in the early stage of development, issues such as service category, professional qualifications, definition of power and responsibility, and charging standards need to be further clear and improve. And supervision, maintain medical privacy and legitimate rights and interests of patients and family members.

However, behind the emergence of every emerging occupation, it represents a demand existence. When the reporter listened to Xiaoxiao about the details of his work, he found that the work process of the clinicist often assumed the role of relieving emotions and soothing mood to patients. The clinician not only solves the needs of patients to see a doctor, but also emotionally meets the psychological needs of customers' "need to accompany".

Since the clinic often faces the strangers of various colors, malicious speculation and the sound of the injury have always existed.But in addition to Xiaoxiao, who has a good face, many people are also engaged in this industry. The development of an industry should never be hurt by unnecessary appearance.It is still necessary to pay attention to the appearance of the patient's appearance and truly return to the essence of the service of this industry, in order to objectively make a sound and help the industry develop.————————————————————————

Source: Dahe Daily · Yu Video Reporter Hou Bingyu Cheng Feihu

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