Educational Mathematics Course on the Education Folding bed

Author:Wulian County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.06.15

Zhou Xiuhua, Mathematics Teacher of Yucai Primary School in Wulian County, has won honorary titles such as "Outstanding Teachers of Wulian County" and "Hundred Outstanding Class Teachers of Wulian County". For 35 years of work, he has been working on the front line of teaching. He has taught the sixth grade graduation class in mathematics for many years and has excellent grades.

Years are not forgiven. The 53 -year -old teacher Zhou's podium was more than thirty spring and autumn, and her body was exhausted. High blood pressure, lumbar disc herniation and other diseases tortured her all year round, especially lumbar disc herniation. After a long time, I took a long time, and they were sweating straight, but the knowledge explanations of the mathematical lessons of two classes every day, the careful counseling of the after -school service, and the careful correction of nearly 100 mathematical homework ... , Don't say a word, for fear of delaying children's learning.

In 2022, Teacher Zhou was unbearable to sit in lessons and correct homework, so she settled a simple small bed next to her desk, and often lay on the bed to correct her homework. Teacher Zhou placed a mathematical textbook on the bedside, and a humble pen holder modified on the bed was hung on the edge of the bed. A red pen was placed obliquely in the pen holder. Pen, I still don't forget to put it in the place where they can, because she knows that the children need her!

She loves to be like a child, such as moisturizing every child's atrium, the children are diligent and serious, and learn to ask questions. In the face of the questions they have raised, Teacher Zhou can always answer them patiently. Time lives up to the people. With the hard work of Teacher Zhou, two outstanding students in her class were admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent results. Whenever a holiday, groups of children in groups came to visit their kind Teacher Zhou. Essence

All year after year, one after another ... Now the green silk becomes white hair, and her body is no longer back, but the only thing that has not changed is her 35 -year education original intention. Her no regrets were her insistence on her ordinary post day after day.

Teacher Zhou is an ordinary member of the teacher's post. It is a group of teachers who are unknown, selfless dedication, and indifferent fame and fortune like her, creating the extraordinary extraordinary education of Wulian education and supporting the splendid tomorrow of Wulian education!

Jiang Yanlong, Rong Media Center, Wulian County

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