"One picture, one table, one board", they take multiple measures and raise "seedlings" to prevent epidemic prevention

Author:Shanghai Yangpu Time:2022.07.23

In order to build an epidemic prevention barrier and ensure the health of the people, the elderly group in vaccination with the new crown vaccine in time is of great significance. Since June, the residential area of ​​Songhua New Village, Changbai New Village, in accordance with the principle of "voluntary and voluntary and" planting ", carefully understand each resident's vaccination situation, accurately and mobilize propaganda mobilization, and comprehensively promote the vaccination work of residents in the jurisdiction.

"The first floor, one table, one board", eliminate the concerns of the elderly in vaccination

In order to widely publicize the importance of vaccination and increase the awareness rate of residents in the jurisdiction, the general branch of the party members of the residential district of Songhua New Village gives full play to the role of the pioneer of party members, and passed the notification of "one picture, one table, one board", and the WeChat group forwarding of the building group. Widely publicize the importance of vaccination and increase the awareness rate of residents in the jurisdiction.

"Secretary Wang, you can rest assured. We also went to consult a doctor in the old land to vaccine, and made full psychological preparations!" In early June, the neighborhood committee received a special call for the residents to consult the community. Essence Aunt Xu, a resident, wanted to take his wife Lu to take over the vaccine.

"Now we have a new understanding of the virus and vaccine. The vaccine has built an immune barrier with the neighbors, and we also have a responsibility!" Aunt Xu was very firm for the vaccine.

Precise households, touches thoroughly, strive for the maximum cooperation

In addition, the residential area will also adopt the "grid+property+building length+knocking door" to ensure accurate households, thoroughly touches, do not fall into a household, do not settle down, no households, no households, no households, no households, no households, no households, no households. Leak one person. The cadres of the neighborhood committees, blocks, and Louchang meticulously popularized the relevant knowledge of vaccination to residents, eliminated everyone's concerns, and won the maximum cooperation of residents.

The resident Chen Laomu and his wife are old and inconvenient. Usually, in addition to buying vegetables and pouring garbage, the couple basically cannot go out and feel that there is no need to vaccinate the vaccine. After Xiao Chen, a cadre of the residents' commission, came to propaganda after understanding the situation. In the first vaccination of the vaccine opened in the community, Xiao Chen was pleasantly surprised to see the younger and wife Chen's couple. The couple completed the vaccination safely and smoothly under the entire escort of the staff.

Text/Picture: Chang Bai

Edit: Zhang Tianyi

*Reprinted, please indicate the official WeChat from Shanghai Yangpu

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