Luliang Bus Company: Driver's skill competes for martial arts driver stadium show car skills

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.07.23

On July 21, Luliang Public Transport Co., Ltd. 2022 "Ankang Cup" bus driver skills competition final was held at Luliang Bus Third Branch. After the early knockout, 9 players played in the final competition that day. Let's take a look at the car skills.

At 9 am, the competition officially kicked off. All the players of the driver's skills competed from the grassroots units of Luliang Bus Company to hold A1 and A3 driver's licenses. After a short ceremony, driving skills were officially launched.

Starting, inverted library, right -angle turning, continuous obstacles of S -shaped sections, limited width doors, unilateral, side -level parking, and fixed -point parking, I saw the contestants completed each competition program according to the route.

According to the actual level of the operation of the contestants, the referee scored a comprehensive competition time with the steady driving level. The first prize, second prize and third prize of the competition were selected.

Luliang Public Transport Co., Ltd. Bai Yanjun: Through this driver's skill competition, the feeling of me is to greatly improve the technology of my usual driving, on the other hand, it improves our service level.

After the driver's skill competition, Luliang Public Transport Co., Ltd. employees performed wonderfully by the theme of bus operation services. "" "The Treatment", "Mission", "Do not let the eyebrows", "One Responsibility" and other stage dramas, as well as the playful "Three Sentences and Half", fully demonstrate the busy service of bus drivers and safety officers in the new era. The spiritual style of responsibility. At the end of the event, Luliang Bus Company also held a ceremony of party member pioneer, civilized post, and the old man in honor of the elderly. It was hoped that the staff of each position to take the example of advanced models as the role model to play the role of party members' models, and strive to create the characteristics of Lu Liang bus brand to create for the establishment Civilized cities make new contributions.

Li Mao Mao, deputy general manager of Luliang Public Transport Co., Ltd.: We carried out this exercise (competition), the purpose is to allow our drivers and security personnel to further improve our awareness of service and safety, and create a civilized city for Luliang City. The power of Lu Liang's bus has contributed our security forces to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Reporter/Bai Xingxing

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