Nanfu Jin District unblocking scene: residents can't wait for fitness, walking

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.23

On July 23, 2022, a notice issued a notice of the Xinjiang District New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters. After a comprehensive evaluation of experts in the urban area, the research and decision of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia in Jinjiang District, Chengdu decided to decide: from July 23, 2022 06, 06, 2022 06 : From 00, the risk level of 1 building in Nanfu Jinjin District, Jinjiang District, Chengdu City is adjusted from high risk to mid -risk, and the risk level of two buildings of Nanfu Jin District is adjusted from mid -risk to low risk. The risk levels of other regional risks in Jinjiang District, Chengdu remain unchanged.

At 5:30 am on the 23rd, the staff of the Jiuyan Bridge community of the bull market street began to remove the isolation warning line outside the gate 2 gate of Nanfu Jin District. Essence

Community staff began to remove the isolation warning line

Property staff of the community eliminate the environment around the community

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Gate 2 of the Jinjin District of Nanfu opened on time. Ms. Yuan, the resident of the community, "run" first. She was going to the green road on the bank of the Jinjiang River to run a 5 -kilometer morning run. Move your body. During an interview with the media, Ms. Yuan said that she had five or six years of running age. Running and fitness was an important part of her life. Everyone's full investment and hard work, happy life and worry -free, but their hearts could not help their longing for the runway. After receiving a notice from the risk level of the community, they prepared the running shoes and sportswear early. The first time she "ran" out of the community.

Ms. Yuan first walked out of the gate of the community

Mr. Zheng, a resident, was interviewed by the media

Grandma Chen, who lives in the 2nd building of Nanfu Jin, also has the habit of morning exercise. As soon as she passed at 6 o'clock on the 23rd, she came to the sports and fitness area downstairs to stretch her bones. As the sky is on, residents have stepped out of the house, out of the community, and came to the Jinjiang River to take a walk for fitness.

Grandma Chen stretched the bones in the fitness area downstairs

Ms. Tang and Ms. Peng met to take a walk on the bank of Jinjiang

According to Dong Yi, secretary of the Party Committee of Jiuyanqiao Community of the Bullskou Street, after receiving a notice from the risk level of the Nanfu Jin Community, they prepared a "blessing bag" for each resident, including flowers, apples and one The letter of the residents remind everyone in the letter to remind everyone that the risk level is lowered, the unblocked defense is unpredpited. They will answer questions and solve problems at any time.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Li Dong Picture/Video Li Dong is responsible for Editor He Qixie Intern Editor Lu Yarui

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