The promotion meeting of the construction of Hanshou Cang Port Demonstration Films in Changde City is held

Author:Changde All -Media Time:2022.07.23

On July 21, the promotion meeting of the construction of the Hanshou Cang Port Demonstration Film of the Rural Revitalization of Changde City was held.

At the meeting, the Hankou County Agricultural and Rural Bureau reported the progress of the project of the demonstration film of Hanshou Cang Port and the list of municipal assessment responsibilities, and the participants spoke separately.

Song Wanlin, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and deputy county chief, requested that the funding guarantee should be strengthened. Each lead unit must do a good job of fund declaration and capital integration and settlement work to ensure that the funds are in place.This year's task; strengthen supervision and assessment, and establish a sound work mechanism; focus on the characteristics and highlights of the "Avenue 6th Avenue Pastoral Scenery Demonstration Belt" around the vegetable and turtle industry.

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