How to make good use of the "golden key" of the Council of Council, the special training of Shizhuang Street!

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.07.23

"Why do you want to hold the council, how to hold the council efficiently, how to mobilize the residents to participate in the council, how to promote the results of the results ..." A few days ago, Shizhuang Street conducted a special training session of the construction of the negotiation system.

Experts drawing cocoons

Detailed explanation of negotiation connotation

"Grassroots work often encounters such scenes: we want to be good for residents and the community, but residents do not buy it. Social workers are busy, but residents always make opinions. The reason is that our social workers have turned themselves into waiters, and residents' awareness of democratic participation has not been cultivated. "At the training meeting, Li Min, a professor from the Chinese Women's College, analyzed the dilemma facing many communities at present.

Subsequently, Li Min gave lectures on how to conduct a good community negotiation and council, so that everyone can systematically understand the significance of negotiation, how to conduct negotiations, and common misunderstandings to help everyone consciously have a deeper understanding of negotiations. "The negotiation council is not a burden to the community, but the 'absorbing stone' that closes the distance between the community and the masses. It is also a bridge to promote residents to participate in community governance." Li Min said.

Student full real simulation

Experience the skills of negotiating in person

The training also uses "immersion learning" to perform simulation drills in groups. On the same day, in the five communities (villages) as the unit, the members of the street discussion class and the person in charge of the property management community were inserted into each community to avoid homogeneous discussions between villages, villages, communities, and communities. The background of the role, the idea of ​​obtaining is richer and perfect.

Each group focuses on some key issues encountered in the process of community governance. While expressing their opinions, the theoretical knowledge learned in classrooms is used in practice. Subsequently, Li Min led everyone to resume, and conducted detailed reviews from the organizational situation of each group meeting, guiding representatives of the discussion, the role of the host, and the record of the results of the discussion.

"The organization of the meeting, the control of the rhythm, the guidance of the speech, and the induction of the problem are the key to the negotiation of the council. This method of" immersive learning "is very interactive. Thinking from different perspectives, through the analysis of the review of the issue again and again, we have consolidated our understanding of the theory of negotiation. "The relevant person in charge of the street said.

Coordinated guidance deployment

Carry out negotiation training training

At the training meeting, Li Wei, deputy secretary of the Shizhuang Street Industry Committee, introduced that Shizhuang Street will build a "street-community-building-level three-level governance system" through the establishment of "community, community social organizations, units in jurisdiction, units in jurisdiction, and district units in jurisdiction, and units in jurisdictions, and units in jurisdictions, units in jurisdiction, and units in jurisdiction. The four-yuan participation of the expert think tank ", in accordance with the work path of" finding out the family-analyzed family situation-discussions-commonly painting family style-sharing home harmony ", build a street-based discussion brand.

If you have something to discuss, the people are negotiated by everyone. Next, Shizhuang Street will continue to organize a series of practical training at the level of community and building courtyard levels. Through the "immersive", "walking" and "observation" and other methods, "open space technology", "consensus workshop" and other methods Methods to cultivate a group of community negotiation teams that can discuss, meets, and good discussions. At the same time, they will also launch a series of activities for the "Back to Heavenly Neighbors" negotiation and offline "The appearance of the beautiful home in your heart". Listen to residents 'voices, discover the needs of residents, mobilize residents' enthusiasm, and make good use of negotiation tools to make residents truly participate in the community decision -making process, effectively solve grass -roots management problems, and make the negotiating council a "golden key" for cracking community governance problems.

Photo/Liu Ran

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