"Four Characters" innovation to build a new pattern of letters and visits -Beiyuan Street actively explore the "Beiyuan Path" of letters and visits work

Author:Kuiwen Published Time:2022.07.23

Beiyuan Street follows the basic requirements of letters and visits work in the new era, adhere to the original intention of "people's letters and visits as the people", rationalize the work system, innovate working methods, and do a practical trust in the work. , Annoying things, worrying things, and hard work, innovating the "four changes" of petitions, promoting new breakthroughs and reaching a new level.

The first is to change the "open door visits" to "take the initiative to visit". The streets are specially established by a petition group based on business classification, establishing and improving the working mechanism of departmental linkage, and promoting the initiative of institutional cadres to investigate, find out the foundation, find the cause, the right medicine, and prevent and reduce the issues of petitions from the source. Through the initiative, I learned that a community in Dingjia Community has not opened gas since its completion, and residents' lives are extremely inconvenient. The street cadres actively take the initiative and actively work, and coordinate with the gas company many times. With the premise of no construction plan, they try to find ways and mobilize their strength to connect the natural gas during the year of the residents. Trust and praise.

The second is to change "passive response" to "advance prevention". Give full play to the role of 42 grid staff daily inspections, investigate the signs of letters and visits, and find out early and deal with it in time. The implementation of the personnel rely on the system, the special research, full discussion, and time -limited response of the topic of petition issues, and strive not to intensify, do not interact, grasp the initiative of the work, and solve the contradictions before the incident, and resolve the bud stage. During the daily inspection of the Zhilizhuang community grid, some owners of a community were preparing to collectively petition their rights to protect their rights. The street immediately decided to intervene in advance, immediately contact the relevant owners, patiently listen to the problem of reflection, and communicate and discuss solutions. Under the guidance of the street, the owner committee was established in accordance with the legal procedures and replaced the property company. The problem was properly resolved, which effectively avoided collective petitions.

The third is to change the "empty talk" to "advance service". In the past, when faced with the demands of the masses, especially the problems that were difficult to solve for a while, they could only conduct a face -to -face reason. Since the beginning of this year, the streets have carried out the activities of "party members and cadres entering the community and serving the masses on the front line" activities. The main leaders took the lead in communicating with the residents to communicate with the masses. Report in time, classify policies, and rectify on schedule. By walking into the hearts of the masses, the breeding of some contradictions was avoided in time. As of now, 120 demands for electric vehicle parking management and community access control are resolved, and 170 person -times are guided. Through in -depth lines and face -to -face dialogue, benign guidance to the masses and rationality in accordance with the law, enhance the awareness of the rule of law in accordance with the law, find the law, and solve the problem of problems. The satisfaction and sense of gain of the masses.

The fourth is to change "because of the observance of the old" to "break the routine". Carefully sort out and analyze contradictions and disputes, break through inertia thinking, and seek solutions from relevant policies and regulations. One policy and one strategy, flexibly deal with, promote the effective resolution of letters and visits, and ensure that each letters and visits cases have been completed in a timely manner and the case is closed. A demolition community in Dingjia community has been petitioning many times due to policy changes. Street leaders have actively changed their ideas and actively connected. It is recommended that the superior changing the real estate certificate to issue a difference to issue a difference. The issues of petitions for more than ten years have been successfully resolved. As of now, the eight cases listed in the "governance and heavy accumulation" account have been resolved.

(Correspondent: Zhang Fugang, Sun Qing)

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