Grandma Cui ’s free tea stall, it’ s out of the stall again!

Author:Voice of China of Central Radi Time:2022.07.23

A square table, a bucket of water, a pot full of water, and two bowls. This humble free tea stall is more than 20 years. In the summer of more than 20 years, the tea stall will spend the time the tea stall accompany the passing driver, sanitation worker, and takeaway brother. Drink a bowl of herbal tea here to get rid of the heat and feel warm in your heart.

A bowl of free herbal tea, she persisted for 24 years

The traffic on the streets of Nanjing Dinghuamen Street, Qinhuai River gathered from here to the Yangtze River.

Everyone rushed to dodge the sun, only free tea stalls, waiting for passers -by who patronized it under the scorching sun.

In fact, the "free tea stall" has been in Dinghuai Gate in Nanjing for 24 years. It is easy to do a good thing, but it is rare for decades. For 24 years, Grandma Cui ’s tea stalls appear on time every summer. Except for rainy days, they have never been absent.

"Grandma of tea stalls" Cui Chuannan said: "I will put the tea stalls in less than 5 o'clock. By 8 o'clock, this bucket of water is almost drinking. I started to set up on July 1st. It was so hot that I came out on June 15th ... "

Due to the hot weather, Grandma Cui would wait carefully for the boiling water to cool down, and then she continued from home in the bucket. Don't underestimate these 30 -liter buckets, you need to use 10 bottles of hot water bottles to be filled. She also thought about adding tea and licorice to the water to make the tea soup clear and the entrance back. Grandma Cui said that licorice and tea can clear the heat and relieve heat, and let everyone drink water.

Worried about the heat stroke of passers -by, her life is not rich, and she deliberately bought a large box of wind oil essence and placed it on the stall for people to use. And all this, the enthusiastic Grandma Cui did not take the text.

"As long as the body allows, you will continue to do it."

In Grandma Cui's view, she did just a trivial matter.

In the scorching sun, Grandma Cui ran busy with a heavy kettle, and Douda's sweat beads dripped down her face, but she still smiled. "As long as the body allows, this matter will continue."

Grandma Cui feels that what she can do with her power is also a feeling of "being needed by others." Whenever she saw the people passing on her tea stalls, the satisfactory smile and sincere "thank you" after the summer heat were relieved, her heart was full of power, and she also had the determination to continue to persist.

This 24 -year -old goodwill emerged from a bucket of sweet water, which is the most rustic kindness in the world!

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