The assistance power of the village in the front line of the "epidemic" of the charge -the assistance team of Hongyao Village, Hongyao Village, Liyang Town, Lintin County

Author:Linyi County Rong Media Center Time:2022.07.23

From 00:00 on the evening of July 14, 2022, Li Fanjia New Village community in Li Fanjia Town was designated as a high -risk zone. After closed management, the Lintong County Housing and Urban Construction Bureau sent the assistance team in Hongya Village to assist in the village. After the stress, after this epidemic prevention and control and annihilation, in addition to the centralized isolation of a assistant team because of the relevant provisions of the epidemic prevention and control, the remaining two players participated in the epidemic prevention and control work of Li Fanjia's Xincun community as soon as possible.

"Lao Zhang, our intersection is very close to the county. You must be careful when you are on duty and investigating foreigners. Do not make a mistake ..." At 7:30 in the morning, Hongyao Village is stationed in the morning. The figure of Guo Xincheng, a member of the village assistance team, appeared on time on time. After careful instructions, he rushed to the home of villagers in isolated from the home of Hiroshima to instruct them to be isolated and asked them what difficulties they had.

Because Li Fanjia's new village community was relocated to the new village. When the epidemic struck, some villagers lived in Hongyao Village, Liyang Town, Liyang Town. The work team carried out a division of work as soon as possible, and Wang Hua, the captain and first secretary of the village assistance team and the first secretary, cooperated with the town and village cadres and volunteers in Li Fanjia's new village community. Village's epidemic prevention and control work.

The border of Hongyao Village borders the county. The daily vehicles and personnel are relatively complicated. The village assistance team and the town and village cadres set up an epidemic prevention and control point at the village entrance. Persevere here every day to investigate foreign personnel and vehicle information, and firmly adhere to this line of defense for the villagers.

Taking advantage of the short time of eating at noon, Guo Xincheng hurriedly came to the home of the villagers in isolated from Murakami. "How do you feel today? Don't worry at home, relax, and have any difficulties to tell us." The door is closed across the door, Guo Xincheng talked with the villagers. The villagers in the mountains were scattered, and the at home isolation at home. In order to alleviate the anxiety of the villagers, Guo Xincheng came to the home door of the villagers who wasolated at home every day. What needs and difficulties, although they have to run several times a day, Guo Xincheng said that he only had such a solidity in his heart.

Near the midsummer, various crops under the mountains and mountains have gradually reached the harvest season. Because of the impact of the epidemic, many vegetables planted by the villagers have been slow to sell. The thick sad cloud also rushed to the village assistance team.

"It is difficult to sell outside, can you try to contact the help unit to help sell vegetables." "". A solemn promise of the assistance unit, gave the villagers and assistants here a peace of mind.

"Uncle Ji, we contacted you for the matter of selling vegetables. You quickly shovel the vegetables at home in the morning. In the afternoon, I will pull it to you once." With this good news, the village assistant team members in the village helped the team members in the village. Knocking the house of the villager Ji Shihong.

When the epidemic struck, the villager Ji Shihong and his wife and his grandson lived on the mountain. His daughter and son -in -law were closed in the community of Li Fanjiaxin Village. The family planted nearly 5 acres of vegetable melon, broccoli, cauliflower, and beans. Because of the epidemic, these dishes could not be sold. Ji Shihong first thought of contacting Murakami to help the village assistance team. Everyone found a way to solve the urgency of the villagers.

At the same time as the sales of agricultural products on the mountain, the vegetables in the vegetable greenhouse under the mountains are also being picked and sold. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the outdoor temperature has risen to 30 degrees. Accelerate the speed of picking, the village assistance team members and town and village cadres resolutely take high temperatures to pick them up, and seize them in a bag of lists in accordance with the list of lists.

In just one day, the assistance team of Hongyao Village in the village in Hongyao Village contacted the dispatched units to help Li Fanjia's new villagers sell more than 800 kilograms of various vegetables. The news is still constantly updated.

"The weather is too hot, and the colleagues in the closed area are very hard. I will give you our local cool noodles today, let everyone change the taste." I chat with reporters, and Wang Hua, the captain of the village in Hongyao Village, is busy Living in the hand. After the Li Fanjia's new village community is closed, volunteers in the closed area work at a high load every day. After cooperating with the work of the closed zone materials, daily disinfecting, data statistics, etc., in order to allow volunteers to eat a mouthful of mouthfuls Food, alleviating physical and mental stress, Wang Hua, who usually likes to cook, actively undertakes the volunteer's three meals a day. Zizi noodles, cold noodles, noodles, refreshing side dishes, colorful and pleasing and nutritious, Wang Hua daily You are not tired, and you can show your own cooking skills, and use your own way to win the battle against this epidemic prevention and control.

The staff on the front line of the anti -epidemic is persistently. As the Lintong County Housing and Urban Construction Bureau of the assistant team of the village assistant team, it is also cheering up with the staff of the front line with actual actions. In the consumer poverty alleviation, the main leaders of the County Housing and Urban Construction Bureau also donated mineral water, instant noodles, watermelon and other living materials for Li Fanjia's new village community in the closed area, and condensed a strong joint force against the anti -epidemic. In the 8 days of the closed management of Li Fanjia's new village community, the team members of the Hongyao Village's assistance team in the village and the cadres of the town and villages helped the people of home isolation to buy medicine, helping a female student at home to repair the circuit, and help contact the contact. The ambulance picks up the delivery of pregnant women ....... At this special time point, such a small thing vividly verifies the original intention and mission of all resident assistants to serve the people.

"Although we are the assistance team in the village, the main work is to help everyone increase their income and become rich, but the epidemic is endangered that the lives of the people's lives, the safety of the people, and we must blame them. The first secretary Wang Hua said solemnly.

From 24:00 on July 21, 2022, the "Li Fanjia New Village Community" in Lintong County has been reduced from a high -risk zone to a mid -risk zone. This good news condenses a group of people's efforts and efforts. In the epidemic ", the figure left by the Hongyao Village's assistance team in the village is heavy and touching, and it also vividly explains the true meaning of" the family of Xia Xiaojia for everyone ".

Puyang Town People's Government Correspondent: Wu Jin

Contact: 18693210996 (WeChat same number)

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