Environmental News Speed Observation | The Ministry of Ecology and Environment Answers South Weekend: Promoting Greenhouse Gas Management Interests into EIA

Author:Ecological environment Time:2022.07.23

"The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will promote the incorporation of greenhouse gas into the relevant laws and regulations and standards and standards of the environmental assessment, carry out greenhouse gas management and control into the special demonstration of the EIA, and put forward suggestions for the amendment of the environmental impact assessment law." On July 21, 2022, the Press Conference on the Ministry of Ecology and Environment On the last, when answering questions from the southern weekend, Liu Zhiquan, director of the Environmental Impact Evaluation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, disclosed the above information. Liu Zhiquan said that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is carrying out the pilot evaluation of the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions in key industries, and has formulated a pilot work plan and technical guide. Southern Weekend reporters noticed that this is the "carbon review" pilot that the industry's attention. In July 2021, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice that before the end of December 2021, the pilot areas issued the relevant documents of the impact of carbon emission environmental impact environmental impacts in the pilot area; before the end of June 2022, the carbon emission level and emission reduction potential of key industries were basically found. "At present, we still face insufficient basic research in the environmental assessment work in greenhouse gas, and supporting laws and regulations, policies and technical systems need to be improved." Liu Zhiquan said that he will guide the pilot, sort out and summarize experience, promote the improvement of laws, policies and policies and policies and policies and policies and policies. Technology System. "EIA is the first line of defense in the development of green mountains and green mountains" in June 2022. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the National Development and Reform Commission and other 7 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Devinions and Carbon and Efficiency Improvement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan" To. The "Plan" mentioned that unlike the basic solution of environmental pollution problems in developed countries, it is different from the stage of strengthening the control of carbon emissions. my country is also facing the two strategic tasks of the fundamental improvement of the ecological environment and the carbon peaks, carbon neutralization, and the coordinated pollution reduction and falling reduction. Carbon has become an inevitable choice for the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development in my country's new development stage. From a scientific perspective, pollutant emissions and greenhouse gas emissions are the same as root. Yan Gang, deputy dean of the Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said in an interview with the media that almost all sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions sources, about 50%of VOCS emissions sources and 85%PM2.5 emission sources (no Containing the dust source) is highly consistent with the source of carbon dioxide emissions. He Kebin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at the School of Environment of Tsinghua University at the "Sixth Five -Five Environment Day" national home event in 2022 that research shows that the current clean air policy can be maintained by 2030 If no further measures are taken, the PM2.5 concentration continues to decline. Under carbon neutralization paths, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide discharge will further decrease by 67%and 83%between 2030-2060. By 2060, the average concentration of PM2.5 in most regions of the country will fall to less than 10 micrograms/cubic meter, and the problem of air pollution will be fundamentally solved. In order to implement the above -mentioned "Plan", the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has accelerated the promotion of carbon reduction in the field of environmental assessment. "EIA is the first line of defense to keep the green mountains in the development of green water." Liu Zhiquan said that the EIA can prevent environmental pollution and ecological destruction from the source. For example, in the EIA, strictly required construction projects to take effective pollution prevention measures to ensure the discharge of pollutants; by optimizing the project selection and selection of the site and adopting necessary ecological protection measures to avoid the structure and functions of the relevant regional ecosystems and functions, etc. Major adverse effects, etc. How can 256 pilot projects complete the environmental impact assessment and environmental assessment system for the environmental assessment system. According to Liu Zhiquan, the first is to carry out the pilot evaluation of the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions in key industries. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has organized 9 provinces such as Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang, and Chongqing to focus on key industries such as electricity, steel, building materials, non -ferrous, petrochemicals, and coal chemical industry. Exclusive potential, explore the technical methods and management paths of pollutants and carbon emissions collaborative control. Hebei, Shandong, Shaanxi and other places have formulated technical guidelines for steel, chemical industry, coal chemical industry and other industries. As of now, 256 pilot projects have completed environmental assessment approval. In addition, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is also exploring the "three -line one order" (ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, resource utilization listing and ecological environment access list), and planning for carbon reduction collaboration control paths in the field of environmental assessment. 15 cities have been organized to explore the pilot of "three -line and one order" for carbon -reducing carbon reduction coordination and control, and explore the overall consideration of climate change factors in the analysis of the ecological environment influence of 12 pilot policies. Choose 7 industrial parks from optimizing the development mode of the park, the development method of optimizing the park, and Summary experiences such as carbon reduction collaborative governance and improvement of environmental management have been summarized to form a number of copied and promoted cases. In addition to the above two measures, Liu Zhiquan revealed that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will also promote greenhouse gas into the relevant laws and regulations and standards and standards of greenhouse gas. At present, the "Technical Guidance for Planning Environmental Impact Evaluations" has been revised, which requires the integration of carbon reduction into each evaluation chapter, and proposes evaluation requirements for decoction of carbon reduction. In addition, the amendments to the ecological environment standard system such as the "General Outline of the Environmental Impact Evaluation of Construction Projects" are being organized.

Source 丨 Southern Weekend Author 丨 Lin Ark

Title Photography 丨 Editor of Sun Jialu 丨 Qin Chao

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