Tianwen No. 1 launch: Successful obtaining a high -definition image continued to carry out Mars global remote sensing detection

Author:Study legion Time:2022.07.23

From "Tianwen" to "Ask the sky". (Video source: 1 House of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group)

July 23, 2022 is the second anniversary of the launch of Tianwen No. 1 mission.

According to the latest news of the National Space Administration, recently, Tianwen No. 1 running team seized the time when the surrounder was closer to the fire guard, and used high -resolution cameras to imagine the fire guard, and obtained a clear image of the "full moon" state.

China took a "full body photo" for the first time in China

Fire 1, Fire Wei Er is two natural satellites of Mars. Fire Wei is a larger one of them. It has irregular appearance and no atmosphere. It is a satellite closest to the main star in the solar system. The scientific community is controversial about the origin of Huo Weiyi. Some scientists believe that Fire Wei may be a small asteroid captured by Mars.

According to experts from the Eighth Hospital of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group No. 1 Mars Survey, due to the particularity of Fire Power, many countries in the world have implemented or proposed the task of exploration of fire guards. The detection of the fire guard in this Martian surround is the first time that China has implemented a fire -guard one imaging detection. It has obtained the first -hand scientific data of Firewei's first close -up. , Accumulate valuable experience for my country's planet detection project.

The picture shows a high -definition image obtained by Tianwen No. 1 surrounding device. (Photo confession of the National Observatory)

Record "逅" about 6 seconds once

It is understood that after researching and analyzing the development team's flight track and fire orbit on the Mars, they found that there are many opportunities to fly over the fire guard in the Martian width. Combined with the ability of the surrounding device imaging science load, the team completes the feasibility assessment of the fire guard one imaging detection task, and confirms that the high -resolution camera is used to implement imaging detection. Limited to the constraints of the resolution and field of optical imaging systems, in order to achieve high -resolution imaging, high -resolution camera viewing fields are small.

According to analysis, in this imaging opportunity, Fire Wei has accounted for almost the field of high -resolution cameras. This means that a little biased fire will be off the camera viewing field. This put forward extremely high accuracy and stability requirements for the control ability of the Mars width to point to the control ability, and also put forward high requirements for the accuracy of imaging task strategies. Therefore, during the shooting process, the flight control team and the research team made full preparation and accurate calculations.

"This is equivalent to taking a camera while taking a camera while taking pictures of another high -speed movement object, and the camera's field of view is small, the difficulty can be imagined." China Aerospace Technology Group No. 8 Mars is surrounded. Zhu Qinghua, deputy chief of the device.

Experts said that in the process of fast flight and fire, at the time of cyclical "encounter", even if the center of the entire field of view is fully aimed at the fire, then from the fire guard to the field to fly out The field of view is only about 6 seconds. If there is a slight deviation from the angle of the width, it may not even be seen by the figure of the fire.

In order to ensure the successful implementation of the task, the development team conducted multiple comparisons and confirmation of the conversion of high -resolution cameras to the platform's posture control volume. During the implementation of the task, the Mars surrounder first completed the posture maneuverability, accurately aiming at the target area of ​​the optical axis of high -resolution cameras, and waiting for the fire to fly over. At the expected flying time, the Mars surrounder uses high -resolution cameras to implement continuous photos. After the shooting, the Martian surrounding device is adjusted, restored to cruise flight attitude, and transmitted imaging data to the ground through the directional antenna.

"It can be said that in order to obtain the image of the fire guard, it is accurate, stable, controlled, and shot well, and it is indispensable." Zhu Qinghua said.

Continue to carry out global remote sensing detection

Since the successful launch on July 23, 2020, Tianwen No. 1 Mars wander completed a deep space of 475 million kilometers in 202 days, and arrived in Mars on February 10, 2021. Successfully implemented the capture system into the surround Mars track.

After a detailed investigation and detection of the 3 -month pre -selected landing area on the circular orbit, the Martian wrapper completed the rail reduction and the instrument separation on May 15, 2021, and sent the landing inspector to the landing Mars track. Perform the downs of the landing process of relay communication tasks.

After completing the landing Mars mission, the Martian surrounding dealer is changed to the relay track and launched the Martian cars to communicate with the communication task. On November 8, 2021, the Mars surrounder implemented the fifth near -fire brake, accurately entered the remote sensing mission track, and carried out global remote sensing detection. On June 29, 2022, the Mars wrapper obtained the resolution image data of Mars worldwide, and the scientific loads all realized the global detection of Mars and completed the established scientific detection tasks.

At present, Tianwen No. 1 Mars surrounding device runs on the remote sensing track track, running stable and good in state. In the future, the Mars width will continue to carry out global remote sensing detection, and will choose to conduct an expansion technical test to conduct preliminary technical verification for related tasks.

Source 丨 Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News

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