Driving "zero tolerance" Binzhou Traffic Police strictly investigated the operation and attacked again, guarding the Summer Ping'an Travel Road

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.07.23

Qilu.com · Lightning News, July 23, in order to further increase drunk driving investigation and make every effort to ensure the safety of summer travel in the people, Binzhou Public Security Traffic Police will expand the coverage of inspection, extend the time and punishment of investigation, and sink the police on the basis of daily investigation and punishment of drunk driving. The front line and the organization of the media fought with the police. On the evening of July 22, special operations were organized to conduct strict investigations of drunk drunk driving traffic violations.

Binzhou traffic police insist on zero tolerance, full coverage, and strict requirements on drunk driving traffic violations. Under this high -pressure situation, there are still people who are lucky and risky.

Drunk driving exposure!

At 23:30 on July 22, the Bincheng Traffic Police Brigade's sophomore checked in the small sedan of the Lu M53 *** number plate in accordance with the law, and found that the driver's eyes dodged and did not dare to blow the alcohol tester. Suspected.


The police immediately motioned for his parking for inspection and conducted an exhaled alcohol test on the driver. The test results were 96mg/100ml and were suspected of drunk driving. After a blood testing of the hospital, it was confirmed that the driver Yao Mouqiang was suspected of being a drunk driving motor vehicle illegal act.


On the evening of July 22, 2022, the Huimin County Public Security Bureau's traffic patrol brigade found that the small car driver Lu Moumou had suspicion of driving a motor vehicle after drinking.

After testing by the cheerful alcohol content detector, the driver's alcohol content in the body was 105mg/100ml. After being drunk, driving a motor vehicle, and then took to the hospital for blood testing. The case was undergoing further treatment.


Drinking driving exposure!

At 21:00 on July 22, when Wang drove the vehicle at the entrance of Hongshun, Boxing County, Boxing County, he was seized by the traffic police on duty. The police at the scene conducted a whitening alcohol tester test. The test result was 24mg/100ml.


At 22 pm on July 22, the police of the Wudi Traffic Police Brigade found a red electric tricycle while patrolling the new way. The vehicle saw the police car and stopped, and the police suspected that the driver was suspected of drinking and driving. Later, there was another child on the car, and he immediately took it to the Hegou law enforcement station for exhalation alcohol test.

After testing, the suspect Zhang's ethanol content was 42mg/100ml, and he was suspected of driving a motor vehicle after drinking. In the face of the blowing value, the driver Zhang lied that the child was sick, and he was anxious and drove after drinking. After observing, the police found that the child's mental condition was better and there was no sign of illness. Under the education of the police, Zhang finally realized his mistakes. After the processing, the police sent the father and son to the hospital for further examination.


On the evening of July 22, when the Beihai Traffic Police started at night, when a car was approaching the inspection point, he wanted to turn around. The duty motor group in the car quickly responded quickly and intercepted in time. After detecting the exhaled alcohol detector, the driver's alcohol content is 27mg/100ml. Under the education of the police, the driver recognized his mistakes, and the police handling the case handled it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


At 21:00 on July 22, a black Volkswagen Passat small car was stopped by Zou civilian police officer when driving from south to north to inspection point. When the driver Zhou shook the window down, the police on duty smelled obvious alcohol smells. When testing with an alcoholic detector, the detector was lit and the red light was lit!

Seeing this, the police asked the driver Zhou to get out of the car and test the fine wine content of the alcohol. The result was 79mg/100ml. Zhou admitted on the spot that he drank three bottles of beer before driving. He thought that there should be no traffic police to check the car on the road, and he wanted to bet on his home. After Zhou truthfully confess, there is no objection to the test results and signed confirmation.


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