Now "cups"!

Author:Customs release Time:2022.07.23

Nanjing Customs seized the infringing insulation cup 19796

Recently, with the application of the brand right holder, the Taicang Customs of Nanjing Customs dedicated to the 19,796 suspected infringement thermal insulation cups in accordance with the law. The batch of insulation bottle uses the "Termos" text logo, which is suspected of infringing the "Thermos" trademark right filed by the San Magic Co., Ltd. at the General Administration of Customs.

Beilun Customs seized 5580 pair of infringing glasses

Recently, Beilun Customs, which belongs to Ningbo Customs, inspected a brand -free exit glasses that reported no brand, and found that the ticket was suspected of infringing intellectual property rights. After counting, a total of 5580 pairs.

Nanjing Customs seizes the infringing game card

Recently, the Jinling Customs Office of the Jinling Customs in Nanjing Customs seized 13,129 gaming cards printed with "small elves" and using the "Pokemon" letter logo in cross -border e -commerce channels. Trademark right. At present, the level has been detained in accordance with the right of the right holder and detention of the commodity in accordance with the law.

"Data-version =" 0 "data-vwidth =" 640 "data-vHeight =" 368 "transcoding =" 1 "style =" width: 400px; "> Related reading:

Where did the customs penalty?

Reprinted, please indicate the source "Customs Release"

Preparation/ Tao Yong

Trial/ Zhao Ningning, Lei Yan

Edit/ Dai Jun

Art Editor/ Wei Hao

- END -

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