Guangzhou: Build a new pattern of four beautiful rivers and lakes and build a beautiful Chinese sample city

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.23

On the evening of July 22, the Guangzhou Municipal Government website announced the "14th Five -Year Plan" of Ecological Environmental Protection in Guangzhou ("Planning"). The "Planning" proposes that by 2025, Guangzhou will build a beautiful Chinese sample city for Aoyama, green water, long flowing flow, and air.

Promote Nansha to build a high -carbon low -carbon innovation highland

The "Planning" proposes that it is necessary to actively promote the green development of major strategic platforms such as the "one district and three cities" in Guangzhou, and form a group of replicable and promoted innovation results in low -carbon demonstration, ecological environment governance, green trade, etc., and promote Nansha to promote Nansha Create a high -carbon development and innovation highland. In terms of optimizing the layout of urban space, the "Planning" proposes that the Pearl River is the context, based on the northern ecological barrier area, the central urban environment maintenance area, and the southern ecological regulation area, optimize the pivot -type city pattern Developed beautiful land space pattern.

Guangzhou Environmental Strategic Confinement Map

In terms of optimizing the energy structure, the "Planning" proposes to accelerate the use of natural gas promotion, improve the natural gas production supply and storage system, build a diversified gas source competition pattern, and increase the proportion of natural gas consumption. Guangzhou will make every effort to promote the rapid development of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects and promote the construction of smart grid industrial parks. By 2025, the scale of photovoltaic power generation installation will reach 1 million kilowatts. In addition, Guangzhou will also accelerate the construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure, explore hydrogen energy as a replacement of fossil fuel, and promote the construction of hydrogen fuel cell industrial parks in the Guangzhou Development Zone. It is convenient to apply in hydrogen energy. Guangzhou will accelerate electrification or use of hydrogen fuel cells such as taxi, online ride -hailing, mud header, and port area logistics and transport vehicles.

Build a new pattern of four beautiful rivers and lakes

Good air and good water can make citizens feel more high -quality environment. "Planning" has also been deployed on improving environmental air quality and improving the quality of water ecological environment. In terms of improving environmental air quality, the "Planning" proposes that it is necessary to accelerate the promotion of new energy vehicles, continue to promote the electrification of cruise taxis, logistics distribution cars, and mud head vehicles, promote the improvement of the electricization of buses, and promote the construction of charging and replacement facilities simultaneously , Promote hydrogen fuel cell logistics vehicle and mud header.

Guangzhou will also carry out the volatile organic pollution of key industries such as printing and recording media replication, automobile manufacturing, rubber and plastic products, electronic manufacturing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing, promote the refined management of the industry, and encourage the construction of key industrial parks. Concentrated spray center (common factory). In terms of improving the quality of water ecological environment, the "Planning" proposed that the investigation of hidden environmental safety hazards around the sources of drinking water sources and the assessment of environmental risks of drinking water sources, build and improve the water quality automatic early warning surveillance network, and concentrated drinking water sources in cities with conditions Promote the construction of biological toxicity real -time monitoring systems.

The "Planning" also proposes that the four major beautiful rivers and lakes in the Ruixi River Conservation Area, the Delta River Net District, the Dongjiang Gram -tributary Area, and the Binhai Wet Area will be constructed. The four beautiful rivers and lakes have their own focus. The focus of the Liuxi River's cultivation area is "three water co -cultivation." Guangzhou will take layers of mountains and dense forests as green walls, two major reservoirs, Liuxi River Reservoir and Huanglong Belt Reservoir as their mirror, to protect local characteristic species, build Bi Road and ecological corridors as measures to promote water resources, water environment, water environment, and Water ecology has co -cultivation, and builds the rivers and rivers ecological gardens where the landscape is integrated and green.

The focus of the Delta River network district is "Lake City embraced each other." Guangzhou wants to build a city Bidou to form a green arm in the central city; rectify the rivers of the central urban area, form a clear arms of the two heavy rain floods of Baiyun Lake and Haizhu Lake, and build a lake city southern water village with a lake city embrace and water network. The focus of the Dongjiang dry tributary area is "water and land air connection". Guangzhou should open the fishing channel of the fish, connect to the dry flow of Zengjiang to form water connectivity; build a clear road such as Zengjiang, Dongjiang north, Humen waterway connecting Lihu, Zengjiang Gallery, etc. to form land connectivity. Waterbird habitat to form an air connection, build ecological scrolls with egret soaring and shallow fish.

The focus of the coastal wet area is "ecological conservation". Guangzhou will protect and rationally develop and use the coastal line of the coastal river channel to repair and enhance the Nansha wetland, the banana gate wetland coast coast zone, protect and repair natural spaces such as coastal mangrove wetland, build a pro -water platform and near natural ecological waterfront landscape, build tide tide Beach listening to the beautiful picture of the waves and green trees.

Guangzhou ecological safety pattern map

Explore the noise mode of residents' autonomous management in the community

Prevention and treatment of noise and optical pollution are also important part of the living environment. The "Planning" proposes to study and formulate local regulations on the prevention and control of noise pollution in Guangzhou, and carry out the assessment and division (adjustment) of the city's sound environmental function zone. Promote the preparation of technical specifications for the construction of urban road sound barrier in Guangzhou, and orderly promote the construction of traffic sound insulation barrier. Strengthen departmental linkage and effectively resolve the problem of "there is a way first, then there is a house" to avoid the problem. Scientifically delineate the forbidden area, road section, and time period, adopt measures such as restrictions, lines, speed limit, and speed limit in the centralized area and sensitive period of noise -sensitive buildings to reasonably control road traffic parameters and reduce road traffic noise. Strengthen the special law enforcement of noise at night to prevent noise to disturb the people at night. At the same time, the main committee and property of the community are encouraged to participate in sound environmental management and explore the noise management of the autonomous management of residents in the community. In terms of light pollution, the "Planning" clearly strictly implements guidelines and specifications for night view lighting and outdoor advertisements and signature settings, encourages the application of green lighting technology, develops advanced concentration or remote lighting control systems, and rationally controls urban night lighting, road illumination and opening time. Strengthen the scientific argumentation of major greening projects that are generally concerned about society

How to promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature? The "Planning" proposes that Guangzhou should protect the construction of an ecological space network with important natural resources distribution areas, water systems and corridors, key ecological parks as nodes, and Tongshan Dahai. Specifically, Guangzhou should strengthen the protection and construction of important ecological areas, and promote ecological conservation work such as water conservation and soil and water conservation. Important ecological regions include Conghua Northern Mountain Ecological Area, Mountain Ecological Area in the North of Huadu, the Agricultural Forestry Ecological area of ​​the western agricultural and forestry, the northern mountain ecosystem of Zengcheng, the Mofengshan Ecological area, the northern Nansha farmland ecosystem area, and the Nansha Binhai landscape ecosystem area.

Build a third -level ecological corridor, and build an ecological corridor network with Landscape, Pingxuan City, and composite functions. Strengthen the comprehensive rectification and construction of the ecological corridor, and the ecological corridor should be constructed simultaneously for the "three old" areas and the major development platform projects of the urban area, and ecological restoration and ecological construction should be carried out. The third -level ecological corridor is the regional ecological corridor is the main skeleton of the corridor network, including the "three vertical and five horizontal" and eight corridors such as the Liuxi River Forest Park -Liuxi River -Pearl River Channel -Hongqi Dree Waterway. The group ecological corridor combines the construction of the river surge, road green belt, and urban parks to run through the city. The community ecological corridor combines the construction of urban and community green roads, road green belts, and street green space. Enhance the six major ecological nodes, including Baiyun Mountain, Haizhu Wetland, Baiyun Wetland, Doctor Mountain -Diaosan Rock, Huangshan Lu, and Nansha Wetland. Green core.

In terms of scientific greening, the "Planning" proposes the scientific argumentation of major greening projects that generally care about society. Scientific selection of green tree species and grass species, adhere to the principle of suitable trees, and prioritize local tree species. Strictly protect the famous trees and its natural life, to maximize the ancient trees and subsequent resources and big trees, and promote the harmonious coexistence of the original green tree species and the city's infrastructure. In order to maintain biological diversity, the "Planning" proposes to build biological channels and ecological bridges to improve the level of biological diversity and ecosystem integrity. Cooperate with the construction of the waterbird ecological corridor in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area. Establish and improve the linkage mechanism and long -term mechanism of wild animal and plant protection supervision. Cross -border smuggling of endangered species in the area, severely punishing illegal killing, trading, and edible wild animals.

In the new, renovated, and expanded roads, the bicycle lane appropriately increases

In terms of the ecological protection supervision system, the "Plan" proposes to improve the ecological quality and remote sensing monitoring network, promote the full coverage of ecological protection red lines, natural protective land monitoring networks, and build a "sky integrated" monitoring and supervision network system. In terms of risk management and control of hazardous waste, heavy metals, and hazardous chemicals, the "Plan" proposes the construction of a "non -waste city". Establish a green circulating production model, strengthen the circular combination of the industrial chain, and carry out the pilot pilot of the reconstruction of circular industrial parks and the construction of the "non -waste park". Rectify the areas of plastic pollution and pollution behaviors such as e -commerce, express delivery, and takeaway. Optimize the recyclable use system, implement the "reverse recycling" model of production enterprises, and establish and improve the recycling system of online and offline integration and flowing controlled resource recovery systems. Innovate market -oriented environmental governance models, promote comprehensive service models such as "environmental protection butler" and "environmental hospitals", and explore the results of the ecological environmental credit evaluation of the enterprise with law enforcement supervision, green credit, evaluation and evaluation first.

The "Planning" also emphasizes the active implementation of the green lifestyle, encourages the public to choose to travel, cycling or public transport, encourage carpooling or use shared transportation, and appropriately increase the bicycle lane in the new, reform, and expand roads. Citizens' green travel, by 2025, the green travel ratio of the central urban area will reach more than 70%.

Ecological data target (by 2025)

Strive for the installation of photovoltaic power generation to 1 million kilowatts.

The city was built 1506 kilometers of Bidao, and it was basically built into the city's Bi Dao backbone system.

During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the total water consumption was controlled within 4.865 billion cubic meters.

The comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry breeding manure has reached more than 80%, the recovery rate of agricultural membranes reaches more than 85%, and the comprehensive utilization rate of straw is more than 90%.

The area of ​​water and soil loss was 313.27 square kilometers, the city's forest coverage rate reached 41.65%, and the area of ​​ecological public welfare forest was 1766 square kilometers.

The domestic waste treatment capacity reaches 34,800 tons/day, of which the incineration processing capacity reaches 30,000 tons/day, realizing zero landfill in native domestic garbage.

The proportion of government procurement of green products has reached 30%.

The green travel ratio of central urban area has reached more than 70%.

Wen, Tu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Longyu, Shenhui Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Zhao Xiaoman

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