Tai'an High -tech Zone: Create high -quality development pioneer zone

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.07.23

On the 23rd, in the first half of 2022, the city's key projects "Concentrated Observing the Great Competition" event entered the Tai'an High -tech Zone. The Tai'an High -tech Zone closely followed the "development of high -tech industries, strategic emerging industries, and creating high -quality development pioneer zone" positioning requirements. Double moves and dual citations are innovative and hard -working, gathering together in project construction, and responsibilities in industrial cultivation, and make every effort to create a new situation of high -quality development.

In Tai'an High -tech Zone Shandong Taitong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Industrial Park GC project workshop, staff wearing isolation clothes are debugging production equipment. The workshop is mainly used in the production injection of fusion protein products. It is expected to be fully put into production in October this year. The Tongtong Biological Industrial Park project focuses on the development of new types of projects in the field of biopharmaceuticals such as protein, monoclonal antibodies, and human vaccines. The main products include international original original biological innovation drugs. Among them, the north side of the industrial park will build special medical food projects. Products are rich in high -quality protein, carbohydrates, fat, dietary fiber, multiple vitamins and minerals. A variety of products are blank in the domestic market and huge market space.

In the Tai'an High -tech Zone Shengde Great Industry Production Workshop, the company's newly invested high -end zinc, aluminum magnesium alloy plate production line is running quickly. The production line is designed and constructed by the Chief Engineer team of the Chongqing Branch of the China Iron and Steel Research Institute. , The fastest speed in the industry is 30%more efficient than the original production line. At present, the project has invested 500 million yuan, and plans to invest 300 million yuan to build production projects such as 5G base station accessories processing and easy -to -ring processing, increase product added value, further delay chain, strong chain, and replenishment, and realize the high -end development of the industrial chain.

As the main position of the city's industrial economic development, Tai'an High -tech Zone vigorously promoted the construction of new types of industrialization, adhered to the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as equipment manufacturing, and gathered in emerging industries such as new energy and new materials. From January to June, the investment in industrial technical reform increased by 11.8%year-on-year. 20 new companies, 85 key enterprises cultivated in the number of steps, and 11 industrial top 50 enterprises. There are 24 high -quality projects such as Shengyang Lithium Battery and Yuntian Security Headquarters; 17 projects such as new Shengbang Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park, Zhong to Life and Health Industrial Park have started. 16 projects.

Correspondent Zhu Wenjing

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