Guarding the summer night Ping An -Guangzhou Huadu Police fully carried out a unified operation of the summer night public security inspections

Author:Guangzhou Huadu Gong'an Time:2022.07.23

In order to further strengthen social management and control, heavy fist strikes to highlight illegal crimes, and vigorously rectify social security issues. According to the national public security organs summer night public security inspections and defense centralized unified operation arrangements, from July 22 to July 24, Guangzhou Huadu Police is in Organize the organization of summer night public security inspections and defense concentrated unified operations, give full play to the role of the "nightman", and timely crack down on investigating the current illegal and criminal activities, effectively prevent the hidden dangers of social security risks, keep the public security clean and clean, and effectively. Improve the sense of security and satisfaction of the people.

On the first day of the operation, Huadu Police dispatched a total of 860 police forces, arrested 22 various types of illegal criminals, and 13 cases.

Strictly prevent and control, ensure safe and orderly

In response to the characteristics of summer nights, Huadu Police strengthened the use of police, scientifically launched patrol force, and at intensive places such as shopping malls, squares, night markets, etc., highlighting the "see the police, see the police light, see the police car" The management rate, focus on creating a good atmosphere of guardianship around the masses.

Strengthen investigation and eliminate hidden safety hazards

Organize police forces to conduct centralized investigations on entertainment venues such as bars, Internet cafes, hotels, chess and cards, and complicated public security areas, and severely investigate and punish illegal crimes such as yellow, gambling, and poisoning, and maximize various types of illegal criminal space.

Strengthen strike, purify social security

Persist in opening the way, maintaining the trend of high pressure on illegal crimes, focusing on theft, fraud, and injury crimes, which focus on the targets, and effectively prevent various types of street illegal crimes and effectively improve the sense of security of the people.

Strictly observe the road and strictly investigate traffic violations

Strengthen the investigation of key road sections, combine the characteristics of urban and rural drunk driving, drunk driving illegal and criminal laws, strictly investigate drunk drunk drunk driving violations and crimes, and at the same time increase the law enforcement efforts of road surfaces, investigate and deal with super -load, do not wear seat belts, do not wear safety helmets, and illegally modify vehicles to "explode The streets such as "streets" and other types of traffic illegal acts, effectively maintain good road traffic order.

Synchronous publicity to raise awareness of prevention

In -depth places such as communities, squares, catering, etc., and simultaneously carry out anti -electrical fraud, anti -theft, anti -drowning, fire prevention, drunk driving, gambling poisoning, etc. Propaganda and warning education activities to guide the masses to improve consciously abiding and self -protection awareness. On the first day, Huadu Police set up 10 publicity points, distributed 423 propaganda materials, played 30 publicity videos, and 31211 people were educated.

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